20 Fight or flight

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"When I first joined Silvia's team which is about 4 years back, I believed everything the popular media told me. I wanted to join this prestige team to fight the so called terrorists. And believe me, I was good in what I did until they sent me on a mission to Palestine" Derik told us.

"I saw certain things that questioned my instincts and my judgment. It is at this point, I stumble across information that I changed me. It is the project that you are part of - Project Zues. How can people methodically kill an indigenous people while the whole world is watching made me wonder if I am in the right side of this fight. This is when Silvia handed me to suppress a BDS group who was actively promoting people to stop associating with products made in the occupied territories" he continued.

"Though I had to make sure I destroy this movement before it becomes a global entity, my reason for joining it was totally personal. I learnt things otherwise I wouldn't have learnt at all. I saw how US ambassador to UN disregard Palestinian rights, I saw how they plotted to take Jerusalem from Palestine and I saw the pain, suffering and agony of people"

We all listened.

"It is this time I decided to do the right thing. I wanted to move out of these Zionist sympathizing morons control and work to make the world a better place. And I did what I have to do. That is when Silvia learned that I was not part of her group of mercenaries anymore" he said while kissing Silvia on the forehead. It so nice to see two people in love.

"She wanted to kill me though" he said again.

"You don't have to rub it on me every time you tell this story honey" Silvia said smiling.

"That's the truth. But while she pointed a gun right at my head, I had a gun pointing right at her as well. And it is this time due to a storm the electricity was cut off from the building we were in, making the sensors to shut down and doors permanently closed. And we had an hour or so to chat" he continued.

"Yes, Derik told me certain things and the way he said it didn't make me feel good. We didn't kill each other but my mental balance was disturbed by that conversation. Trust me, it was an ugly conversation. But something inside me changed. For the first time in my life, I started to feel. No offense to you Brad" she said.

It was obvious from the way they spoke that Brad and Silvia had dated. But the ease in which they are going about it is amazing and puzzling.

"Non taken" Brad said smiling.

"It took a while but then I decided I want to actually live a life. Derik is a Christian and his strong words and action impacted me in a huge way. But that's not the problem. I was the only daughter of a very strong Zionist who is also close to the elite group. Like it or not, I had to do things I wasn't happy. This is when Brad asked me to do your background check"

I looked at Brad. I mean I really looked at him. He looked guilty and ashamed.

"I wanted to know what's going on" he said with a guilty smile which I ignore. He wanted to do a background check on what? If I have any left over family whom he can hurt?

"I remembered Hayah from my time in Gaza. I also remember how you acted towards her. Believe me Hayah, Brad is never short of female attention. And he never kill or rape. He does everything in between which makes him the bastard all of us are, but he is still different from the rest of us" she told me, which I also ignored. But my heart is feeling funny listening to what she said.

"So, I knew things ought to be serious because he also told me not to tell anyone. It is during this background check I came across your son who was killed by my father. I knew the dirty work my father did and I also knew how low he can sink. Derik was furious when he found out about this, and we made the obvious conclusion that he has to be Brads son because why else would he look exactly like Brad. I mean a carbon copy of him" she told me. I saw Brad looking somewhat disconnected. He must be aching for Musa. Well, I do too.

"And I hand it over to him knowing things would change. I had no plans of leaving the people I have worked so faithful all my life, but I saw the pain in Brads eyes when they pointed the gun towards you. It will take him sometime to accept and a lot more time for you to digest that he is already in love with you and may be you too Hayah" she said. I almost stopped breathing. What the hell is she talking about? I can feel my cheeks getting warm and I know I am blushing like a teenager. Brad looks equally uncomfortable.

"Thanks Silvia for that assessment. Now move on. You both didn't talk all that crap just to tell us that we are falling in love I believe. If so, its an anti climax story" Brad managed to say.

"Right. Now I did what I had to do to save your sorry ass. Now we are in trouble too. I know it's not your fault but I am glad we did what we had to, so now we are free as well. But I just found Derik. I cant loose him. They will come after you guys and Brad knows the outcome wont be a pleasant one. You cant win against an entire global system" which is true enough.

"I am with Brad" I told her stubbornly.

"I respect your decision. But it is suicide. If me and Derik stay, we will be killed along with you two. But you know the crazy part?" she asked. Brad and myself kept quiet again.

"We will finish what we started" Derik said smiling. A wave of relief washed over me too, and I can see some of the tension leaving Brad. What Silvia and Derik said was true. We would never win. Earlier I didn't actually mind sacrificing my life for my people, but a small part of me now wants to live. But knowing I have a chance of living and may be finding peace is more than I have bargained for.

I gave Silvia a hug. A tight hug. Derik soon gave me one of his tight hugs as well, and kissed my forehead.

"Sorry you had to go through all that" he said earnestly. His hug and the kiss in my forehead felt like how my father would do it. A brotherly feeling emerged inside me. And suddenly I remembered Rumi. Another brother figure I had, and chances I would never see him again.

"It's alright. Thanks for everything" I told him.

We hit the road again. I seriously wanted to call Rumi but I am not sure if his phone is tapped. So I did what I could. I drafted a long email to him. I told him everything from my life in Palestine to why I came to US, then about Brad. I also told him glimpse of what happened. And told him I would contact him as soon as things are okay.

"Since we have not been framed or anything, we can come out public. We have the video at Hayah's place. And we can figure out what to do in public so that we don't get killed" Silvia echoed her thoughts.

"Well, it wont take long to frame us. Sweetheart, what can your journalist friend do to help?" Brad asked me.

The "sweetheart" endearment didn't go unnoticed but I got work to do.

"I have to call and find out"

"Silvia, you and myself have information which can make serious damages to the reputation of those who are concern especially AIPAC and the other Zionist movements. We need to see how we can use it to expose them and stay alive" Brad told Silvia who seems to be in deep thoughts.

"Okay, let me call Robert" I have my computer which has a secured encrypted line from which I can call Brad who also has a secure encrypted line.

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