Secrets Out Part 1

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          It's finally the weekend and I have promised to go over to Jake's to help with his car. "Dad! I'll be home late tonight! I'm going over to Jake's!" I call to my father over his game. "Alright have a fun time!" He yells back never taking his eyes off the screen. I walk over to the table and grab the keys that Bella left for me since she's hanging out with Edward and leave the house. Walking to the truck I unlock the door and yank open the door. "Stupid door." I mutter getting in and slamming it closed.

"Ari!" I look towards my best friend and smile. "Hi Jake. Where's this car you've been talking non-stop about?" I ask as he pulls me into a hug. "It's in the garage." He says pointing behind him. Pulling away from me he gets a strange face almost like he's smelt a horrible smell. "What?" I ask. Breaking out of thoughts he shakes his head. "Nothing, don't worry about it. Shall we begin?" Nodding my head I run over to the garage excited to see the 'car'

With a whistle I slide my hand over the smooth but dusty hood. "Nice one." "Thanks. so I have been having trouble with getting it to stay on for longer than five minutes. Think you can fix it?" He asks coming next to me. I look at him stupid and slap the back of his head. "Ow what was that for?" He asks placing his hand over the spot I had slapped. "That was for being stupid. Of course I can fix this." I say. "Just hand me the tools when needed." I say a smirk on my face. Grabbing one of the boards I slide under the car immediately finding the problem. "Jake, hand me the...wrench." I command sticking my hand down for the tool. Within seconds the tool was in my hand and I was off fixing the mistakes Jake made.

"Thank you so much Ari." Jake says for the fifth time. "No problem now stop thanking me it's getting old." I respond shooting my friend a glare. "How would you like to come to my house, dads been missing you tons?" Jake suggests a hopeful look on his face. Thinking for a second I nod my head. "Sure why not. But after we need to see Paul, I miss his stupid face." I say giving Jake a pointed look. "Uh sure." He says looking hesitant. "Well what are we waiting for let's go Black." I say walking away leaving him to catch up. "Hey! Wait up!"

"I totally won." I say only for Jake to shut it down. "Nah you're delusional." He says rolling his eyes. "Jake!" A deep voice sounds. Both Jake and I turn and my eyes widen. "Sam?" I ask taking in his new form. He became muscular and tall. "What is she doing here?" Turning my head I found my old friend Paul. "Paul?" I ask only receiving a glare. With a scoff I start to walk forwards. "You did not just glare at me." I say a scowl on my face. "And what if I did? What are you going to do shorty." With a glare I push him back and spit on him. "You're such a dick! What happened to little innocent Lahote, huh?" I question. Paul looks down at his shirt and starts shaking? "Ari...Stand back." Jake calls looking panicked. "Don't tell me what to do Black!" I snap before turning my attention to the idiot in front of me. "You shouldn't have done that." A boy calls a smirk on his face. "Aria. Move!" Sam orders only to get ignored. "Who do you think you are, Leaving me and getting mad when I haven't done anything?" I question. Paul growls at me before stepping back and shredding his clothes. "To late now." The boy from before says. Looking back in front of me I see a giant wolf getting ready to attack me. With a smirk I wave at it. "go ahead dog, try and hurt me." Not needing another word the wolf runs towards me and jumps. "Ari!" "Aria!" With a smirk I use my power and throw it back, making it hit a tree. Getting back up the wolf shakes the pain away and charges again this time getting a bite of my arm. Hissing in pain I stumble back. Suddenly a huge sandy brown wolf leaps into action attacking Paul. "Embery! Quil! take her to Emily's." Sam orders. The boy who was smirking and a shy looking one steps up to me and grabs my arms. "Let's go."

We pull up to a small comfy looking house and the boys get out. "Come on Aria. We don't bite." Embery says. "Tell that to Paul." I say sitting back into the seat. "Awe come on let's get you looked at." Embery says motioning me out. With a huff I get out tripping on my way. I close my eyes preparing for the contact only to land on something soft and warm. Opening my eyes I see two worried looking boys. "Are you okay?" Quil asks. "I'm a little dizzy." I say before falling limp in Emebry's arms.

"What happened?" "I don't know she said that she was dizzy than she went limp in my arms." "Emily?" "It's probably fro blood loss and exertion." Slowly I open my eyes and take in my surroundings. "Hey, how are you feeling?" I look towards the voice to find a beautiful women with three scars going across her face. "Am I dead?" I ask taking in all the shirtless boys. Letting out a giggle the women shakes her head. "No you're alive." "Oh. Nice." "Aria." I look towards Sam and nod. "Yes Sam?" "What are you?"  

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