Meeting The Cullens

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          "No. No. Please! Stop!" "Ari! wake up it's okay, you're okay." My eyes snap open tears roll down my face. "She. He. It happened again." I cry out. Bella grabs onto me and brings me into her warm embrace. "Shh it's okay. It's over, no ones going to hurt you." She whispers rocking me back and forth. "Did I wake you?" I ask after coming to my senses. "No, I was awake watching some tv." She says pulling away from me and looking me over. "Are you okay?" "Yeah, sorry." "Don't be we all have nightmares." She says a small awkward smile on her face. "Now why don't you get dressed we're going to Edwards house, his family's looking forward to meeting you." She says kissing my forehead. "Yeah, okay." I watch as she leaves my room before slowly getting out of my bed. I make my way to my closet and grab an outfit for today. Slowly I get dressed and do my hair I grab my bag and leave my room turning off the light as I leave.

I walk down the stairs where Bella is waiting swinging her keys around her finger. As I walk down the last step she looks up at me and smiles. "You ready?" "yep. Lets go." I say skipping out the door after her. We get in her rusty old truck and make our way to Edward's house. "What if they don't like me? What if they think I'm crazy? I mean I know I am but do they?" I ask rambling. "Ari. Calm down they'll like you trust me, plus they already know." I look over at her wide eyed. "They know I'm a bit coo coo?" I ask twirling my finger in a circular motion. "Yep and they're fine with it." She says. They're fine with allowing a crazy girl into their house, what's wrong with them. "Ari." Bella calls out snapping her fingers in my face. "Huh?" I look over at her with and apologetic smile. "What'd you say?" "I said we're here." I look out the window to see the most beautiful house ever. "Wow." I let out. "I said the same thing. Now lets go inside." Bella says getting out of her truck. Quickly I unbuckle the seat belt and hop out of the truck. I rush over and cling to Bella's arm realizing that I'm about to meet new people. We walk up to the door and knock a few times. Within seconds the door opens and standing in front of us is non other than Edward himself. "Hey, we were wondering when you'd show. Come in. Hello Aria." I let out a small squeak and wave a bit. "A little shy?" He asks. I nod my head quickly. "Don't worry Bella and I will be here the whole time." He says making me feel a little better. Slowly I trail behind the two still clinging to Bella's arm as we make our way to where seven people are waiting with smiles. "Hello Bella, it's nice to see you again." A women with a kind motherly smile greets. "Where's your sister?" A short pixie like girl asks bouncing with excitement. "She's a little shy, Ari why don't you come out and introduce yourself?" Bella asks looking back at me. I shake my head vigorously only to be ignored and pushed up in front of everyone. Letting out a squeak I stand frozen in front of them. "Umm h-hi I'm A-aria." I stutter out before flying behind Edward. I hear bell like laughs and my face heats up. "She's so cute." I look out from behind Edward at the person who said that. "T-thank you." I stutter. "You and I are going to be great friends." The pixie like one says a giant smile on her face. Slowly I inch my way out from behind Edward and look at her. "I-I would like that." I say offering a smile which she happily returns. "Let us introduce ourselves, I'm Carlisle, this is my wife Esme,and our children Rosalie, Aron, Alice, Jasper, Edward, and Emmett." As he introduces each member I notice two similarities they all share which happens to be the pale skin and gold eyes. As my eyes focus on each person taking in the appearance I couldn't help but stop at Emmett. Emmett is tall and hugely built with pale skin, gold eyes, and black short hair. As I am looking at him I notice that he's staring directly at me with mixed emotions I can't seem to untangle. "It's nice to meet you all." I say warming up. "Are you both hungry I made some fruit and pancakes." Esme asks. I feel my mouth water and nod my head. "Yeah, thank you Esme." Bella says. We follow Esme into the kitchen where two plates are stacked with pancakes and fruit. "I love you!" I squeal out hugging Esme before grabbing a plate and devouring the food that's on it. I hear laughs as I do so but am to engrossed to care. "Wow slow down there, don't want to choke." A deep voice booms. I look up at where the voice came from only to notice it came from Emmett. Swallowing I offer a smile and a nod before continuing on with my food. "Where does it all go?" I hear a lighter males voice ask. "Boobs." Bella and I say at the same time making us look at each other and laugh. I go back to eating but hear a growl as soon as I do. I quickly look up to see Emmett glaring at a slightly amused Aron. "Uh are they okay?" I ask. "Yeah they're just being dumb." Rosalie says smacking them both across the head causing me to laugh. "I like you." I say pointing to Rosalie before finishing up my breakfast. I get up and walk to the sink cleaning off the dish and placing it in the dish washer. "Thank you for the food, she forgot to feed me today." I say pointing at Bella to which she just shrugs and continues eating. "Do you want a tour of the house?" Emmett asks looking annoyed? Not thinking much of it I nod my head with a smile. "Sure I would love one." I hear him let out a huff as he starts walking away.

"Hey wait up I have short legs!" I yell out running to where Emmett is standing. "Well then grow taller." he roughly says. Oh no he didn't. "Hey what's your problem?" I ask glaring at the giant. "My problem is you." He snaps. "Excuse me I barely know you. You have no right to hate me." I say poking his stomach with my pointer finger. "Ha what are you gonna do shorty." He says a smirk playing on his lips. "This." I focus all my energy on him making him fly across the room into a wall. "What the?" "Don't judge a book by it's cover vampire." I spit out before turning and running out of the house.

I walk aimlessly around the woods tears poring out my eyes. "Stupid vampires being all stupid and stuff." I say kicking a rock. I sit down on a tree root and start thinking. "What made you hate me so much?" I ask glaring at the tree in front of me causing it to explode. "No one believed me about vampires, no one, not even after being attacked by one." "No one believed me!" I scream out. "Not even my family." I whisper crying.
"Ari! Aria! Please come out!" I hear a feminine voice yell out. I wipe the tears off my cheeks before standing up and start walking towards the voice of my hectic sister. "Ari!" "I'm here, I'm fine." I say walking into hers and Edward's sight. she rushes towards me checking me over for any injuries letting out sighs of relief when she finds none. "What were you thinking, You know what that does to you." She scolds. "Me really Bella what're you thinking dating a vampire." I say glaring at my sister. "Ari..." "No! Mom and you sent me away to the crazy house for believing in vampires and now you're dating one." I rant. "Ari! Aria! Please just let me explain." She pleads. "Fine but I want an apology from Mr grumpy giant." I say a pout on my lips. "I think you also owe him an apology." Bella says giving me a pointed look. "for what?" I ask looking at her like shes the crazy one. "Oh I don't know throwing him against the wall." She says. "How'd you do that anyways?" "We'll explain later." Bella says. "For now lets get back to the house."  

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