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          I'm numb. I can't feel anything. Nothing. It doesn't feel right. Looking around me in my pitch black surrounding I try to find a way out. Suddenly I feel waves of electricity flow through my body as in I am being electrocuted by lightning. I let out a scream begging for the pain to stop, only for it to enhance. "Come foreword child." A feminine voice commands. Doing as told I step foreword wincing when my foot touches a hard surface. I feel another wave of electricity flow through me and let out a cry. I continue making my way on the lightened path stopping every few seconds when pain courses through me.

Finally after what seems like eternity I am in front of an angelic women and man, both hand in hand. "Hello young one." The women greets reaching out for me. Hesitantly I place my hand in hers. She looks far away a thoughtful look on her face before letting go. I take a step back straightening myself out. "Do you know who we are Aria?" The women asks. I shake my head a confused look on my face. 'Just where am I?' "You are in between, we have called you here." The man speaks. I looked at him shocked. 'Can he read thoughts?' "Yes I can." I jump in surprise making the two laugh. "Now why you're here, I'm afraid you used up too much power and because of that you're dying." The women says. I feel tears well up in my eyes thinking of the worst of the worst. "We have a deal for you." The man says. "You can either go back but be restricted use of your powers, until being turned." "Or you can stay here with us." "It's your choice. So I can either stay here or go back with little powers until I'm turned. 'Wait turned!' I look towards the two. "What do you mean turned?" "You will be turned into a vampire after a great event." The women says. "Are you sure?" "Yes I am, now have you made your choice Aria?" Thinking for a second I nod. "I want to go back, I want to see my family." I say. "As you wish, just remember that you'll always be welcomed here." The women says. They wave at me in farewell as I am being pulled back.

"Aria? Aria? Wake up please." I open my eyes and look besides me at Bella. "Bella?" She lifts her head tears staining her cheeks. "Oh my god, you're awake." She smashes me into a hug. "How long was I out?" "Two weeks." I look towards the door where everyone is standing smile all upon their faces. "Aria." Emmett breathes out rushing towards me and bringing me into his embrace. "Thank you. Thank you. Thank you." He says over and over again. After everyone greeting me with hugs and smiles Carlisle walks up to me. "How are you feeling?" He asks. "Uh fine a little sore." "Well that's to be expected we had to restart your heart twice." My eyes widen in shock. "It's okay. you're okay now." Emmett says his face in my chest. "Let's give these two a minute to talk." Carlisle suggests. Everyone leaves the room leaving Emmett and I alone.

"I was so worried, your heart stopped twice." He says looking into my eyes. "I'm sorry Emmett." I whisper. "It's not your fault, you were just trying to protect your sister." "I have something to tell you." He looks up at me a questioning look on his face. "If it's about you and Paul, Edward told me everything." "No, when I was unconscious I was given a choice, to die and stay in the underworld with my power or come back." I look at his face seeing a stoic expression. "anyways you know which I chose, but there are terms like I can't use my full power, and I'm going to be turned after some giant event." "Aria..." "They didn't tell me what the event was but I know it's not the wedding." Emmett take my hands in his pulling me closer to him. "Are you sure this is what you want? To be a vampire?" He asks. "If it means I can be with you for eternity than yes." I feel something cold slip onto my finger and look down. "I know I've already asked but will you still marry me?" He asks. "Of course. Aren't you mad though? About everything?" "No I know you have your reason for you choices and as long as I have you I will accept them and stand by you every step of the way." I feel tears welling up in my eyes and let a small smile come onto my face. "I love you Aria Swan." "I love you too Emmett Cullen." We lean in for a passionate kiss. 'I have never been happier than I am now to be in the embrace of my one true love Emmett Cullen.'  

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