Chapter 10

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-The Body part III -

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-The Body part III -

Empty. That's what the lab was. Empty. Sure, it was filled with things but, it felt empty. Mostly it was bland. Everything white, grey, beige, etc. But, out of the emptiness Pine had seen a way out and she had a plan. It wasn't a very good plan but, it should work well enough. In the room she was being kept in there was a vent on the wall. It wasn't very big but, neither was Pine. Being the smallest out of her group of friends had its advantages sometimes. She opened it as quietly as she could and climbed in, closing it behind her. The vent was tight and cold. It seemed like it went on forever. Pine crawled silently as she awaited an exit. Just when there seemed to be no way out, she saw the light of outside. She checked to make sure no one was there, got out, and stared running through the forest.

She couldn't believe she gotten away. It seemed too easy, too simple. She couldn't have gotten away that easy. Could she? 'Maybe they wanted me to get away' she thought. However she couldn't figure out why. Why Brenner would let her get away. She pondered that thought as she crawled through the pipe.

Pine realized she had to hide. If she was right, if Brenner had let her escape, she needed to isolate herself from people. The bad man could be watching her. If they were, they'd probably come after her friends. But what did they need from her? There's nothing special about Pine. Now she had a tattoo on her arm telling her she was? Sure, things tended to be a bit odd with her but, even so, she didn't want to be kidnapped because of it.

Pine made her way home. She needed a plan. A voice in her head told her to go on the run, another told her to write a note for Mike, Dustin, and Lucas then disappear, yet another told her to hide with them. Altogether Pine was overwhelmed by the constant drama of the bad things that happened in her life, haunting her, following Pine like a shadow. In a way, darkness hunted her. She walked up to her room, she needed to change from her tattered hospital gown no matter what her plan. Reaching into her closet, she pulled out some random clothes. She started to get an odd feeling. The kind of feeling you only get when you know something bad is going to happen. Slowly, she turned around and made her way to the secret room. That's where the feeling felt strongest. In the corner, just below the window the wallpaper had split. Pine's curiosity trumped her better judgment as she went to investigate.

In that corner there was a small hole. A spiderwebby kind of slime substance. It hung in between the crack. The crack that was slowly becoming bigger. Bigger, bigger, bigger until it was big enough for Pine to crawl through if she pleased. However, she had no such desire. She knew almost nothing of this place and had no clue on how to get out if she got in. The problem was, the portal was in her room and, Will was most likely on the other side. All thoughts were cut short when a certain grumble could be heard behind the girl. Without having to turn around, Pine knew it was the horrid Demogorgon, and she knew it had seen her. There was no other way out. She knelt down and put her hand through the gunk. She cringed at how gross it was. It emitted a foul stench when she disturbed it. All the same, she put her other hand in it and hurriedly crawled in, head first, becoming the third victim to the Demogorgon.

(Sorry for the super short chapter, I haven't updated recently and, I really wanted to get this out.)


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