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"GOOD MORNING VIETNAM!" Alex exclaims.
"Wake up everybody. We made breakfast," Theo says in a quieter voice.
Stiles groans as he sits up. "What time is it?"
Liam checks his phone as he stands. "It is 9:00am." He stretches.
"Why'd you wake us up so early?" Stiles questions Theo.
Theo shrugs. "We wake up early."
Scott stands and crosses his arms. "Or you just don't sleep."
Theo's heart picks up a tad, but he quickly calms it down. "I may have been up all night watching Stranger Things." Which wasn't technically a lie, but it wasn't completely the truth either.
Alex walks in. "Who's gonna wake up Lydia and the love birds?"
Liam volunteers and leaves the room. Scott and Stiles notice slightly Theo tense up as Liam leaves. They give each other a confused look.
  Alex finishes cooking. Suddenly her heart picks up and her eyes flash a bright blue. She steadies herself on the island counter. Pain is all she can feel. Her hands are ice cold. Her heart is racing and her breathing is erratic.
  Theo notices this. "Alex?" He doesn't care that his heartbeat picks up and his chemosignals aren't hidden. He grabs her shoulders, slightly shaking her. "Alex, you need to calm down."
  Alex grabs his forearms. To Theo, her hands are freezing. Just like Tara's. Scott, Stiles, and Malia smell the full on terror wafting off Theo. He jerks his arms away from Alex and steadies himself on the opposite counter. Alex snaps out of her state as Theo calms himself down.
  Scott walks up to both of them and puts a comforting hand on their shoulders. "Are you guys okay?"
  Theo and Alex both nod, breathing heavily. The rest of the pack enter the room confused.
  "What just happened?" Liam asked.
  Theo looks up at Liam and visibly relaxes. "Nothing."
  Everyone in the room knows he's lying, but most of them know not to push it. Alex pushes herself for the counter and rubs her forehead.
  Stiles crosses his arms. "What just happened?"
  Alex turns to them, a tired look on her face. "You all should eat. And what happened is no one's business."
  Scott and Stiles exchange looks.
  Stiles shrugs. "Fine."
  Everyone but Alex and Theo sit to eat. After eating they clean up.
  "So, what are you gonna do about the hunters?" Theo asks Scott.
  "I think we should all go home to get changed and then rendezvous back here. Then we should go into the woods to find clues," Scott explains.
  Theo nods. "Okay. Good idea. So," he shrugs, "everyone meet back here in about two hours?" They all nod and leave. Stiles decides to go to Scott's house to talk. Once Stiles closes Scott's front door, he exhales loudly.
Scott turns to him. "What the hell happened to Theo and Alex?"
"I think the were having some kinda flashback," Stiles answers. "Both of their eyes flashed."
"What could they have been remembering?"
Stiles shrugs. "Theo could be remembering hell but, we know nothing about Alex so I don't know about her."
Scott nods slowly, thinking. "We should do some digging."
The two get dressed and Stiles opens Scott's computer. He puts 'Alex' in the search bar. He pauses. "Hey Scott."
Scott looks up from his phone. "Yeah?"
"What's Alex's last name?"
"Uh. I think it was Frost."
Stiles finishes typing her name and presses search. He scrolls through the computer. If he was hacking into certain facilities, no one needed to know. "What the hell?" He mumbles.
Scott gets up to see the computer. "What?"
Stiles scoffs in disbelief. "Alex Frost didn't exists until she was 16."
"What the hell?"
"Exactly." Stiles scrolls through the computer more. "There's nothing on her. She literally just showed up to a school in Brooklyn and enrolled. All they knew about her, was her age and name." He clicks on an article. "Wait a second."
Scott tries to make sense of the article. "What?"
"So get this, a girl who went to the same school, went missing six months before Alex appeared. Her family were questioned after they called it in and, here's where it gets weird, her family had no recollection of her," Stiles explains.
Scott shrugs. "So?"
Stiles rolls his eyes. "So," he pulls up a picture of the girl, "this is what the girl looked like and," he pulls up a photo of Alex, "this is what Alex looked like when she showed up."
Scott's eyes widen. "They look almost exactly the same. The only difference is the hair and certain features."
Stiles nods. "Yeah. And the question remains-"
Scott stands up slowly. "What the hell happened to her in those six months?"

A/N— I have nothing to say.....

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