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  IT HAD BEEN A WEEK SINCE THEY WENT UNDERCOVER. Things had been going well. The pack were surprised when they saw that Alex was skilled in manipulation.
  Part of the pack that stayed had to explain to Theo what happened. Theo showed he was worried about his best friend and his not-so-secret crush.
  That's when it happened. Mason, Theo, Scott, Lydia, Stiles, and Nolan were hanging out in the living room when Stiles grabbed his head.
  "What's wrong?" Scott asks, concern lacing his voice.
  Stiles gasps. "Alex." His eyes glow orange as he communicates with her. After a few minutes his eyes return to their natural color. He turns to them, fear building up in him. "Monroe had a witch on her side. They got exposed." He gulps. "She wants us to meet them close to there. They're fighting their way out now."
  Theo gets up and grabs his keys to the Tesla. "What are we waiting for?" They get up. "Nolan and Mason, you go in Masons car and follow us. And no Stiles we are not using your Jeep because your Jeep needs a lot of work and maybe I'll help you with it, but we do not have time for that now."
  They quickly get in the cars.
  It's a tense atmosphere in the Tesla.
  Theo clutches the steering wheel. "I told you it was a bad idea," he says, halfway through the drive. "Someone is going to be dead."
  Stiles scoffs. "And what do you care? You didn't care about everyone before!"
  "Stiles!" Scott scolds. Theo's grip on the wheel becomes so tight that it bends. Scott places a hand on Theo's shoulder. "Calm down. They're gonna be fine."
  Theo releases his grip slightly. He turns to Scott. "How can you be so sure?"
  Scott shrugs. "I just am."
  "That isn't good enough," Theo snaps. He turns back to the road. "Someone isn't gonna come back. How could you send them there? That was just about the dumbest idea you've ever had. You're little beta is most likely going to be dead because 'anger makes you stupid and stupid gets you killed.'"
  "Why do you care Theo?!" Stiles presses.
  "Because I love him!" Theo snaps. He releases his tight grip on the wheel and becomes less tense. He lowers his voice to a whisper. "And I don't think I could live with out him."
  They sit in shocked silence for the rest of the car ride. Eventually them come to the area Alex said to be at. They wait for a few minutes before they see limping figures walking towards them.
  As soon as Theo sees Liam, he jumps out of the car and runs to Liam. He grabs his face and looks over his body. "Are you okay?"
  Liam nods. "Yea. I'm fi-" he looks down and the world seems to sway under his feet. The world tilts as he falls.
  Theo quickly catches him, slowly lowering him to the ground. "Liam!?"
  The rest of the pack races to them.
  "What happened?!" Scott questions.
  "I don't know. He just passed out," Theo answers. Theo cradles Liam. He grabs Liam's face. "Liam. Wake up!"
  Liam's eyes flutter open. "What..." His vision is blurry. He focuses his vision. "It," he takes a shallow breath, "hurts." His eyes close again.
  Theo's voice catches in his throat. He places his hand firmly on Liam's wrist, taking his pain.
  Alex bends down next to the two. "Let me see him." Theo lets her see. She lifts Liam's shirt to see a cut, turning green. "It's poison. I don't know what type. We need to get him to Deatons."
  Theo nods and stands, picking Liam up. "I'll go in the car with Mason, Nolan, and Corey."
  Alex snaps her fingers. "Gnirb ym ekib ot em." Her motorcycle appears. "I'll go on my bike. Everyone else go in the Tesla."
They all drive to Deatons, scared for the beta with anger issues.
As soon as they get there, Theo races in and places the beta on the metal table.
  Deaton lifts Liam's shirt. He looks back up at the pack. "How about only Scott and Theo stay here? The rest of you can wait in the other room."
  It's an agonizing hour, while Deaton works out an antidote. Theo stays at Liam's side, grasps his hand, taking his pain. Theo looks to Scott. He has fear in his eyes that no one has ever seen. Scott gives him a one armed hug.


  Liam's eyes open slowly. He groans from the pain in his abdomen. He lifts his head a bit to look around. He sees Theo passed out on the chair next to him. He looks to see Scott on his other side.
  Liam sees Theo lift his head, his eyes sleepy. "Mm- your up. How are you feeling?"
  "I'm good. I think," Liam answers. "What happened?"
  "You were poisoned." Theo sits up. "We go you here and Deaton worked out an antidote." He gulps. "Your heart stopped."
  "Your heart stopped." Theo stands. "How could you be so stupid?!"
  Scott startles awake. He sees Theo. "Theo-"
  "Shut up Scott," Theo snaps.
"Don't be an asshole, Theo," Liam growls. "And why do you even care?!"
"Because I care about you!" Theo confesses. "And you could've die, hell, you did die!" He takes a deep breath to calm himself.
"I care about you too," Liam whispers.
Theo's eyes widen. "What?"
"I care about you too," Liam says louder. He chuckles. "When you left my house, everyone was teasing me about you." He reddens at the memory and looks down. "And they told me to ask you out. So," he looks back up at Theo, "Theo Raeken, will you go on a date with me?"
Theo blushes and looks down. He nods. "Yea," he whispers.
"What was that?" Liam raises an eyebrow.
Theo looks up while rolling his eyes. "Yes. I'll go on a date with you asshole."
Liam grins. "That's better."
"But," Liam groans, "you have to heal."
Scott stands. "Theo's right Liam. You have to rest and heal up. And then you two can go on your date." The two blush. "Theo, I think you should take Liam home."
Theo nods. "Okay."
Theo helps Liam stand and helps him into the passenger seat of the Tesla and hops in the drivers side.
"I think your parents are gonna be pissed," Theo says while starting the car.
Liam nods. "Lets keep the fact that I technically died a secret."
Theo shrugs. "Sure."
The sit in a comfortable silence the entire drive. Theo eventually pulls into the driveway of Liam's house. He gets out and helps Liam into the house.
  Ms. Geyer sees Theo struggling with Liam. "What the hell happened?"
  Theo's eyes widen. "Liam died."
  Liam smacks Theo upside the head. "My heart is beating, I'm fine."
  Theo rubs the back of his head. "Ow."
  Liam glares at him. "You deserved that."
  Theo rolls his eyes. "You shouldn't have gotten yourself hurt. You need to rest and heal. I'll explain to your mom."
  Liam nods and makes his way upstairs.
Mrs. Geyer turns to Theo. "What the hell happened? He told me they were just checking something. That he would be fine."
Theo exhales. "The infiltrated the hunters. The got found out and had to fight their way out. Liam got poisoned. We rushed him to Deatons and got an antidote. His heart stopped." He closes his eyes to collect himself. His eyes reopen. "Deaton was able to save him."
Mrs. Geyers eyes fill with rage. "And Scott sent him in there!"
Theo shakes his head. "Liam volunteered. And Liam's too stubborn for his own good, even if we tried to talk him out of it he still would've went. Scott would never intentionally hurt him. Liam is Scott's beta. The bond between an alpha and his beta is as strong as a parent to their child. Maybe even stronger. Losing a member of your pack is like losing a limb." Theo looks away, remembering that he can never truly be apart of a pack.
Theo looks up to see Mrs. Geyers confused face. "Do you speak from experience?"
Theo laughs spitefully. "No."
"Then why-"
Theo cuts her off with a rueful smile on his face, tears threatening to fall. "I can't be part of a pack. Not really. Somehow the rest of them can. But not me." He turns to leave but freezes when he hears Liam's voice.
"Theo?" He turns to see Liam at the top of the stairs. "Can you stay with me?" Liam asks sweetly.
Theo turns away and clears his throat. He wipes the tears. He turns back and nods. "Sure. If you really want."
Liam smiles. "I do." He stretches out his hand. "Come on." Theo walks up the stairs and grasps Liam's hand. He pulls Theo into his room. "I can give you clothes to change into."
  Theo shrugs. "Sure."
Liam hands him sweats and a T-shirt and Theo quickly changes. Liam moves under the covers. He lifts the quilt to give Theo room as Theo lays down. The lay uncomfortably for minutes before Liam brakes the silence.
  Liam turns to Theo. "You know that you're part of the pack, right."
  Theo shakes his head as he stares at the ceiling. "No I'm not. To you I might be but, to me, I don't feel that connection. I care about you, I do. It's just that I wouldn't feel like I lost a limb if one of you died. Plus I'm not part of the pack," he sighs, "and I never will be."
  Liam puts his hand on Theo's cheek. Theo's eyes meet his. "Maybe the Dread Doctors were wrong. If Corey can be apart of a pack than so can you." Liam shushes Theo, to stop him from arguing. "Lets just go to sleep."
  Liam lays his head on Theo's chest, curled up on Theo's  side. The two have never slept better.

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