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Devon looks up. "Hey Theo."
Theo walks in cautiously. "Hey."
Alex pulls out a chair and pats for Theo to sit down. He does.
Devon sighs. "Look, I'm not sorry for what I did. I know I should be but, I just don't give a shit about anything anymore." He senses Theo's fear. "Listen, I don't want to hurt you anymore. So, you don't have to be scared. But, I'm going to be living here for a while. Patch things up with the only family I have left. Basically: you don't bother me and I won't bother you." He gets up and grabs a vodka bottle while walking to his room.
"Hey asshole!" Alex calls. "Don't drink the entire fucking bottle!"
  Devon is already gone when he calls back. "Whatever!"
  "Sorry about him," Alex apologizes. "We're still working on being kind. Unfortunately, it isn't a concept he is familiar with."
  Theo shrugs. "I guess it's fine. Is this house suddenly for broken alcoholics?"
  "Pretty much." Alex smirks. "So, how was it at Liam's?" She waves her eyebrows suggestively.
  Theo's cheeks become dusted with pink. "Fine."
  Alex groans. "Did you kiss yet?"
  Theo's eyes widen. "Wh-what? No. I don't- I don't like him like that."
  Alex rolls her eyes. "You think you've got everybody fooled, don't you? Well not me, Theo. And no matter how hard you try to deny it, I can tell you care as much about him as he cares about you. To admit that you love him." She sees Theo about to argue but she raises her finger to silence him. "And I know that you do. Despite all your efforts to never let another heart touch yours, that little persistent kid has somehow gotten in under the wire. And that's what's happened huh? Admit the truth. You love him don't you?"
  Theo sighs, tears gathering. "I do. But-"
  Alex cuts him off. "I thought so. Then tell him."
  Theo lets a tear fall. "You don't get it Alex. I can't!"
  The two stand. "Why not!"
  "Because what ever I do, it'll never be enough. Because I will never deserve it. I don't deserve to be happy, Alex! Because I should still be in hell! Because he won't ever love me!"
  "Don't you get it?! He already does! Don't you think I would kill for that! That- that loving look that he gives you! I am eight thousand years old Theo, I have had that same thing many times but I out live it! And it's never been the same as the first! So, take that chance you have, because, in your life time, no one will ever look at you that way again. And even if they do, it won't be the same. Do not throw away this chance. He loves you, Theo. And you love him. Accept that and go farther with it," Alex pleads.
  They're heads snap to the door when the bell rings.


  Scott heads to the door to Theo's house with Lydia, Issac, Stiles, Malia, and Derek. Scott is about to knock, but he doesn't instead he decides to listen to the conversation inside, curiosity getting the better of him. Issac, Stiles, and Malia listen in as well.
"So, how was it at Liam's?" A voice asks, probably Alex.
  "Fine," came a grumbled response. Most likely Theo.
  Alex groans. "Did you kiss yet?"
  Stiles, Scott, and Malia look at each other with wide eyes.
"Wh-what? No. I don't - I don't like him like that," came the stuttered reply.
  "You think you've got everybody fooled, don't you? Well not me, Theo. And no matter how hard you try to deny it, I can tell you care as much about him as he cares about you. To admit that you love him." Stiles' jaw drops. "And I know that you do. Despite all your efforts to never let another heart touch yours, that little persistent kid has somehow gotten in under the wire. And that's what's happened huh? Admit the truth. You love him don't you?"
  Theo sighs. "I do. But-"
  Alex cuts him off. "I thought so. Then tell him."
  "You don't get it Alex. I can't!" The four flinch as Theo raises his voice.
  "Why not!"
  "Because what ever I do, it'll never be enough. Because I will never deserve it. I don't deserve to be happy, Alex! Because I should still be in hell! Because he won't ever love me!"
  "Don't you get it?! He already does! Don't you think I would kill for that! That - that loving look that he gives you! I am eight thousand years old Theo, I have had that same thing many times but I out live it! And it's never been the same as the first! So, take that chance you have, because, in your life time, no one will ever look at you that way again. And even if they do, it won't be the same. Do not throw away this chance. He loves you, Theo. And you love him. Accept that and go farther with it," Alex pleads.
  Stiles backs away from the door. "I think we should ring the bell now," he whispers.
  Scott nods and quickly presses the doorbell.
  They wait a minute before the door swings open, revealing Alex with a tear stained face. She quickly wipes the tears and puts on a fake smile. "Hey Scott. What's up?"
  "We kinda wanted to ask you a few things and maybe have a pack meeting here. With your permission of course," Scott says.
  Alex scoffs. "Yea whatever." She walks into the kitchen leaving the door open. She grabs a bottle of wine and settles on the couch, as far away from Theo, who has a Jack Daniels bottle in his hand.
  The eight of them sit in silence, waiting for the rest of the pack to head over.
  During the tension filled silence, Scott attempts to introduce Issac. "Theo, Alex, this is Issac. He-"
  "I don't care, Scott," Theo mumbles, before taking a big gulp of his drink.
  The all sit in an even more uncomfortable silence than before.
  Ten minutes later, the door swings open as Gabe runs into the shade. He takes deep breaths as he unwraps his coat from around him. "That was about the dumbest shit I've ever done."
Liam walks in and both Alex and Theo tense up.
Liam sees Theo clutching the bottle. "Theo? Are you okay?"
Theo tightens his grip on the bottle. "Fine," he growls.
They can all smell Liam's confusion and hurt.
"Theo-" Alex starts.
He cuts her off. "Don't." He chugs the rest of the bottle and slams it on the coffee table.
Corey scent becomes concerned. He sits next to Scott. "What happened?" he whispers.
"They had a fight," Scott whispers back.
Liam sits. "Why'd you call us here?"
"I was thinking that some of us can go undercover as hunters," Scott started.
"And maybe Alex can do a camouflage spell," Stiles adds.
Alex nods. "I can."
"Now we just need to decide who's going," Derek says.
"I'll go," Alex volunteers. "And Stiles should stay here to keep the magical link. He's powerful enough. I can contact him if anything goes wrong and it's better if I'm with the people I'm camouflaging."
  Stiles shrugs. "Okay."
  "I guess I'll go too," Liam says.
  Scott raises his eyebrows. "Are you sure?"
  Liam nods.
  "I'll go," Corey volunteers.
  "I'll go too, being a former hunter," Gabe says. "I also want to get revenge on the person who shot me."
  "Liam," Scott calls.
  "Mm," Liam hums.
  "Keep an eye on Gabe," Scott orders.
  "Yep," Liam agrees.
  "Come on! I'm not that bad," Gabe argues. Everyone raises their eyebrows. "Alright whatever." He looks to Alex. "Theo said you can make a daylight ring for me. Can you?"
  Alex smiles. "Of course." She disappears and comes back with a ring in hand. It is a silver band it a lapiz band in the middle. She hands it to Gabe. "Do you like it?"
  Gabe slips it on. "Are you kidding? It's awesome."
  "So who else is coming?" Liam asks.
  "Me, Issac, and Derek will go," Malia offers.
  Derek shrugs. "Alright. I think that should be enough people."
  Issac nods. "Alex, what do you need for the camouflage thing?"
  "Well," Alex crosses her legs, "I need to enchant a certain object and you have to wear that object to look different."
  Liam raises his eyebrow. "And what would we look like?"
  Alex leans forward. "Lets take Issac for example. Instead of blonde hair he'd have black and instead of blue eyes he'd have green. And maybe darker skin. I can't change you completely without a potion, and with a potion it'll only last, at most, a day. So hair, eyes, and skin are the only things I can change."
  "That should be enough," Scott says. "So can you-"
  Scott is cut off by Theo exhaling loudly. They turn to see him rolling his eyes.
  Stiles raises an eyebrow. "Do you have something to say?"
  Alex rolls her eyes at Theo. "He's drunk. Theo!" Theo makes a noise of acknowledgement. "How about you go to you room."
  "You're not my mom," Theo grumbles.
  Alex stands up and goes in front of Theo. "I'm older than your grandmother. Now," she points to the stairs, "go to your room."
  Theo stands and puffs his chests out. "No."
  "Theo," Alex growls.
  Theo crosses his arms. "You can't tell me what to do."
  Alex sighs. "I don't have time for this."  She picks Theo up and throws him over her shoulder. He struggles, but it doesn't do much. Alex locks him in his room.
  When she sits they hear a muffled, "Let me out!" as Theo bangs on the door. Eventually he gives up.
  "That was amazing," Stiles grins.
  Nolan smirks. "I'm not gonna lie, it was pretty funny to see him like that."
  Scott chuckles while shaking his head. "What I was gonna ask was if you could do the spell now."
  "Sure." She stands. "Can the people who are coming come forward?" They move closer to the coffee table. "Do you all have an object I can enchanted? Preferably jewelry, and Gabe, you can't use your daylight ring." Corey places a ring Mason gave him on the coffee table and Liam places a cord bracelet on the table. Malia takes out her earrings and Derek takes off a dog tag. Issac puts down a silver ring. Gabe takes off his necklace. "Okay this it good, but you all need to know that I cannot reverse this enchantment. So every time you put the object on, your appearance changes." Everyone nods. She raises her arms and her blue eyes glow. The objects begin levitating. "Egnahc eht ecnaraeppa fo eht reraew." As she lowers her arms, her eyes stop glowing and the object fall back on the table. She sits. "Try it."
  Liam puts on his bracelet. His skin becomes pale and his hair becomes black. His baby blue eyes turn hazel.
  Masons eyes widen. "Intense."
  "I wanna try." Corey grabs his ring and puts it on. His hair becomes blonde and his eyes blue. His skin becomes slightly tanner.
  Malia goes next. Her eyes turn green and her skin becomes dark brown. Her hair gets darker and curly.
  Derek puts on his dog tag. His hair becomes light brown and his skin becomes tanner. His eyes turn blue. "Mm"
  "Lets see." Issac puts his ring on his index finger. His hair turns black and his eyes green. His skin becomes a light brown.
  Gabe grabs his necklace and puts it on. His skin becomes pale and his hair becomes black. His eyes shine a pale blue.
Alex's eyes glow. "Srorrim raeppa." Mirrors are given to the six of them. They all look.
Gabe shrugs. "It still looks like me."
"Kinda. But, no one really knows you, and even if the do, they can't prove it," Alex assures.
Liam turns to Alex. "What about you?"
Alex stands. "Egnahc ym ecnaraeppa." Her white hair becomes brown and her pale blue eyes become brown. Her skin becomes tan. "My name will be Lindsey Carter." She sits. "Corey's will be Micheal Johnston. Liam will be Dylan Sprayberry. Issac, Daniel Sharman. Malia, Shelley Hennig. Derek, Tyler Hoechlin. And Gabe will be Andrew Matarazzo."
  "Where'd you get those names from?" Malia asks.
  Alex smirks. "Your doppelgängers."
  Stiles eyes widen. "As in the multi verse?" She nods. "That's awesome!"
  Scott leans forward. "Okay. Lets go over the plan and you guys leave tonight."

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