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( JOB )


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  THEO AND LIAM AWAKE TO MRS. GEYER KNOCKING ON THE BEDROOM DOOR. "Liam! You're late!" She tries to open the locked door. She knocks again. "Liam!" Liam and Theo exchange looks.
"Shit!" Liam whispers. He looks back to the door and rushes to stand. "Uh. I know mom I'm getting ready!"
"Alright, just hurry up!" Mrs. Geyer demanded.
Liam turns back to Theo. "Okay I need to get ready for school and I'm pretty sure you need to go to work."
Theo quickly gets up. "Shit you're right." He looks towards the window. "I'll just go through the window."
Liam looks up after changing. "Yea, Okay." He give Theo a quick kiss. "Be safe." He leaves the room, leaving Theo in a daze. Theo quickly shakes himself out of the daze and smiles. He opens the window, carefully maneuvering out of the house. He jumps down and runs to his house through the woods.
  He runs into the house and knocks into Alex. "There you are!" She's wearing jeans and a t-shirt. "We have to go! Go get dressed right now. We're not going to work."
  Theo raises his eyebrow. "Where are we going?" Realization crosses his face. "You got a job didn't you?"
  Alex rolls her eyes. "Yes, but some people where we are going are hunters."
  Theo nods. "Shouldn't we tell Scott?"
  Alex shakes her head. "If he finds out it's a job," she sighs, "he'll try to stop me. Now," she points to the stairs, "go get dressed. We have a long drive."
  Theo nods and gets dressed. He walks back in comfortable clothes. "Alright lets go."
They leave the house and enter Alex's Tesla. Alex starts the car and backs out of the driveway, then they're off.
Theo turns to her. "So, where are we going?"
"An event," she says without sparing a glance.
Theo rolls his eyes. "Where's the event?"
"Los Angeles."
Theo's eyes widen. "That's a 5 hour drive! We wouldn't make it back by tonight."
"I know." Alex spares a glance at Theo. "That's why I packed overnight bags."
"You do know the car can drive itself right?"
Alex nods. "I know. But I'm not trusting a machine."
Theo scoffs. "You're so old."
"I am, but I've been in a fatal car accident before." She shakes her head. "It's a bitch to heal from." She adjusts her grip on the wheel. "So, did you tell your boyfriend that you won't be home tonight?"
Theo blushes. "He's not my boyfriend and no I didn't so, I'll do that now."
The rest of the car ride was spent talking and singing.
  They park in front of a motel.
  Alex turns to Theo. "Okay this is where we are staying tonight." She gets out of the car, Theo following her, and opens the trunk. There are two back packs inside. She hands one of them to Theo. "We buy a room, get dressed, then head to the event." She starts walking. "Come on."
  Theo catches up to her. "What outfits did you pack?"
  "I packed a suit for you and for me I brought a black top and white pants."
  Theo nods as they walk in. "Cool."
  Alex walks to the front desk. "Can I get a room for the night? Two queens." She places money on the desk.
  The man at the desk looks up and grabs the money. He grabs a room key. "Here are your room keys. Have a good afternoon."
  "You too." They walk away.
  Alex shows Theo the room key. "Room 211."
  They walk to the room in silence. Alex opens the room. They walk in and Theo dramatically flops onto one of the beds.
  "I'm so tired," he says, though his voice is muffled by the bed.
  Alex lays onto her bed and checks her watch. "We have to leave by 6:30. The event starts at 7."
  Theo turns around to lay on his back. "What time is it now?"
  "Just after two."
  Theo sits up. "So we have time to waste?"
  Alex nods.
  "Do you wanna do something?"
  "Well, actually, I have to do some research."
  Theo raises an eyebrow. "About your target?"
  Alex sits up and nods. "You can get food while I research more."
  Theo shrugs. "Alright than." He grabs the menu. "What do you want?"
  Alex shrugs. "I'm fine with whatever."
  "And a drink?"
  Alex gives him a look. "Of course."
  Theo leaves to get food.
  He gets back and places the food on the table. He sits down. "So who's the target?"
  "Apollo Sofos."
  Theo raises an eyebrow. "His background is Greek?" Alex answers with a short nod. "What did he do?"
  Alex sighs and turns to him. "He raped and murder many women. He beat a couple children to death. He's a bad guy and the police haven't caught him. I got the tip and the money from his wife, she knew that the police wouldn't get the evidence."
  Theo scoffs. "And you can?"
  "You underestimate my abilities and my experience." Theo gives her a 'bitch please' face. "Yea I can. Don't give me that look bitch." Alex turns back to the computer.
  "Jerk." Alex chuckles. "How you gonna kill him?"
  Alex thinks for a moment. "I could drive him mad with some magic, or I could poison him. I think poison is better."
  "You alternate how you kill? That's how you don't get caught?"
  Alex nods. "That and the fact that I'm 8,000 years old helps."
  Theo rolls his eyes. "Stop boasting about her age. People don't usually do that."
  Alex closes the computer and sits next to Theo. The two eat and relax. Then the time comes to get ready for the event.
  Alex changes her hair black and her eyes green. She turns to Theo. "Do you want me to change your appearance?"
  Theo shakes his head. "Nah its fine."
  "Are you sure?" Theo nods in response. Alex shrugs. "Alright."
  Theo opens the door for Alex. "Let's go, Frosty."
  Alex smirks and leaves the room, Theo trailing behind.


  They enter the gala.
  Alex hands Theo a communicator. "It's too loud to use our powers. Put it in your ear." Theo takes it and places it in his ear. "You do know how to use it, right?" He gives her a quick nod. "Alright. There are hunters here, so be careful about what you drink." Alex raises an eyebrow. "Are you sure you don't want a glamour charm? A hunter might recognize you."
  Theo sighs. "Alright, just make it quick." Alex quickly changes Theo's hair black and makes his eyes brown.
  "Are we gonna try to get info on hunters?" Theo asks.
  "Yea. I'll snatch some things and you'll know what to do."
  They separate, both grabbing a glass of champagne from waiters. Alex talks to multiple people in the crowd, to put people off her trail.
  Alex places a finger on the communicator. "I pocketed the phone of a head hunter, come and hack it. You only have around five minutes before he'll realize it's gone."
  Theo's voice comes through the communicator. "Alright, on my way." Theo walks pass and Alex hands him the phone. It only takes him a few minutes to hack and download the data on the phone. "Coming back around."
  Alex responds, "I'm heading back to the hunter. Pass me it so that I can slip it back into his pocket." Theo passes Alex a second time to hand back the phone. Alex approaches the hunter. "Hello again."
  The man smirks. "You took so long in the bathroom, I thought you ran away." He pulls her close. Alex takes this chance to put his phone back. "Why don't we get out of here?"
  Alex brings him in for a kiss. "Unfortunately I can't." She backs away from him. "Hope to see you soon sweetheart." She turns away and walks to the bar. She talks into the comms again. "Make sure the hunter doesn't come after me, and in a few minutes, you should leave and wait in the car. Just because we came in together, does not mean we come out together." She sits on the right side of a brunette man. She gives him a flirtatious smile. "And who might you be?"
  He smirks and looks her up and down. "Apollo." He raises an eyebrow. "And you?"
  "Alexandra," she replies smoothly.
  "What a wonderful name?"
  "Why, thank you. You name is gorgeous as well." She takes a sip of her new champagne. "Are you Greek?"
  He nods. "I am. Albeit I was born here."
  "You seem to be well spoken. And," she gestures to his brandy, "you seem to have good taste."
  He takes a sip as he preens under the complement. "And you seem to be a good judge of character."
  She chuckles. "Yeah, I would say so." She gets closer, her lips inches away from his. She fiddles with the dropper full of arsenic over his drink. As she kisses him, she puts a few drops in his brandy. She pulls away slowly. "You are one hell of a kisser Apollo." With magic, she makes the bottle disappear.
  Alex leaves after talking to Apollo a few minutes more, making sure he drinks the poison. He almost doesn't let her. Quickly, she makes her way to the car, seeing Theo already inside.
  She sits in the drivers seat and starts the car. "Mission accomplished. After we get back to Beacon, we can show Scott whatever we found. Right now I just wanna go to sleep."

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