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  SCOTT WAKES UP SLOWLY, ISSAC NEXT TO HIM. Slowly Issac wakes up as well.
Issac turns to him. "Hey."
Scott takes a deep breath. "Hi."
What they had was weird. You couldn't deny that they had something. They weren't just friends with benefits, no they were more than that, but that's what they were telling themselves. The first time it happened was before Allison died. Then she died. And Issac left. Since he came back, he's been staying at the McCall house. Sleeping in Scott's bed. Scott's phone ringing brings them out of their thoughts.
  Scott grabs the phone and answers it. "Hello?"
  "Hey Scott. Look, Alex and I hacked some info of a hunters phone. We haven't looked through it yet but, we're hoping that you could call a pack meeting at our house."
  Scott looks at Issac, who nods. "Alright. I'll text the others. What time?"
  "Around 6."
  "Okay, see you then." Scott ends the call and texts the pack. He put his phone down.
  Issac smirks. "Looks like we have a lot of time to waste."
  Scott rolls his eyes and stands. "No, Issac."
Issac pulls Scott back by his waist, peppering his neck with kisses. "Come on Scott. Just once."
Scott's sighs. "You always say that."
"I know."
Scott gives in, falling back on the bed, kissing Issac.


Stiles flops onto Lydia's bed face first. "What do I do Lydia?"
Lydia rolls her eyes and sits next to him. "You tell him."
Stiles groans and flips over. "He'll think that he's just a rebound."
  "Tell him he's not."
  Lydia cuts him off. "But nothing. Derek likes you, Stiles. He has for a while. So, ask him out." She shakes her head, smiling. "You can't just wait till this goes away. It won't."
  "What about you? Are you gonna as Malia out?"
  Lydia sighs. "Eventually."
  "Good." Stiles thinks for a moment. "I kinda feel bad for Scott."
  Lydia raises an eyebrow. "Why?"
  "Because he doesn't have anyone."
  Lydia scoffs. "What do you think Issac is?"
  Stiles shoots up. "Wait seriously?!"
  Lydia laughs. "Yes seriously."
  Stiles lays back down. "Wow."
  "But the two idiots don't realize how much they care for each other."
  Stiles smirks. "Reminds me of Theo and Liam."
  Lydia nods. "Yeah. Except, they weren't friends with benefits."
  Stiles looks disgusted. "How do you know that?"
  "Issac isn't sleeping in the guest bed. He's sleeping in Scott's. Ergo friends with benefits."


  Derek is the last to walk in and he sits next to Stiles.
  "Why'd you call a pack meeting?" Mason asks.
  Alex and Theo exchange glances. Alex steps forward. "Theo and I went to a gala last night in Los Angeles. There were hunters there and we hacked ones phone."
Scott raises an eyebrow. "And you didn't tell us."
Alex sighs and leans on the counter. "I had a job."
Stiles looks confused. "A job?"
Theo crosses his arms. "Alex is an assassin, Stiles. A job means she killed someone."
Lydia's eyes widen. "Who'd you kill?"
"Apollo Sofos." She crosses her arms. "Wife paid. He was an abusive prick."
"That doesn't justify killing him!" Scott scolds.
Alex rolls her eyes. "I don't give a shit about what you think, Scott. It's my job. I've been doing this for about 8,000 years. You have no control over me."
Theo breaks the fight. "We got intel on hunters. I just looked at the information."
Scott sighs. "What did you find?"
"Well for one thing," he looks towards Alex, "they want Alex's power."
Alex scoffs. "They could never."
Theo shrugs. "They might be able to."
"As if."
"What do they want it for?" Stiles asks.
Alex exhales slowly. "If they can somehow steal my power, and that's a big if, they could take control of everything. The planet, multiverse, etc."
"That doesn't sound good," Malia says.
Alex shakes her head. "It isn't." She rubs her temples. "I haven't even discovered my full power."
Theo looks to her. "You have even more power?!"
She nods slowly. "I have it, but, for some reason, I can't access it."
  Nolan speaks up. "Is there a way you can find out why you can't access it?"
  Alex thinks for a moment. "Yes actually. I can go somewhere. A place I haven't been in years."
  Corey furrows his brows. "Where?"
  Alex meets his eyes. "Mako Island."


That's it for this book. I'm working on a sequel that's a crossover between Mako Mermaids and Teen Wolf. It is called Sirens Song.
In that book they will be more developed Sterek, Scissac, and Malydia. Since some people might not know Mako Mermaid, I will show the characters in the beginning.

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