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"That was kinda sad," Corey says.
"And intense," Mason adds.
Liam shrugs. "He's confused. And hurt."
  "What do you think Theo?" Stiles asks.
  "Mm." Theo looks up. "What?"
  "About Devon," Stiles elaborates, "What do you think?"
  Theo takes a breath. "Well, I think- I don't particularly like him, and I won't forget what he did, but I can forgive him and move forward. If he's trying to change, then who am I to stop him?"
  "You're willing to forgive him?" Corey questions.
  Theo shrugs. "I know what it's like to change." He shifts in his seat. "He was basically abandoned by his family. One minute they're gone and then, he finds out they were alive, yet they didn't look for him. Even with the Doctors, he was broken and angry. And, he took that anger out on me. And I'm not saying that that's okay, but Devon is 7,000 years old. I think there's a time when you live so long that you just don't know anymore."
The door opens and Alex steps inside with a sleeping Devon in her arms. "He's right." She walks upstairs to put Devon to bed. As she walks back down, Scott's phone rings. He looks at it and his eyes widen, a light blush covering his face.
"What is it?" Stiles asked.
Scott lowers his phone and smiles. "Issac is coming back to Beacon, he misses the pack. And he's excited to meet everyone new."
Stiles cheers. "Yay. Scarf boy is coming back."
  Alex claps. "Yay, scarf boy." She pauses. "Whose is scarf boy?"
  "Issac, Scott's first beta," Lydia says.
  Theo furrows his brows. "I thought Liam was Scott's first beta."
  "Liam is the first person I gave to bite to, but Issac is my first beta," Scott admits.
  "We should tell Derek. Issac is his only surviving beta," Stiles says.
  "I thought he was Scott's beta?" Corey asks, getting more confused.
  "Derek was the one who bit him," Lydia explains.
"Oh," Corey breaths out.
Alex rubs her temples. "I think all of you should go home. And Theo," He looks up, "you should stay at someone's house, I don't want you and Devon to start butting heads."
  "But, this is my house!" Theo argues.
  "Theo," Alex starts.
  Alex cuts him off. "Please."
  Theo sighs and slumps in his chair. "Fine. Who's gonna let me sleep over?"
  Liam raises his hand. "You can come over my house. Maybe Mason and Corey can too. And Nolan and Gabe. We could all hang out."
  Mason and Corey nod in agreement.
  Theo shrugs. "Alright. That works."


The four made their way to Liam's house. By the time they're there, it's already dark out.
As they get comfortable in the living room Liam takes out his phone. "I'll text Gabe and Nolan to come over."
Theo looks around. "Where are your parents?"
Liam frowns slightly. "They went to go help my aunt and my cousins in New York. They should be back in- tonight actually." His shoulders slump. "I know the real reason they left is that they're still trying to wrap their heads around me being a werewolf."
Theo furrows his brows. "Are they scared of you?"
Liam shakes his head. "They're mostly worried. Let's talk about something else."
Theo nods. "Okay. What do you wanna talk about?"
Mason smirks. "Let's talk about your," he points to Theo, "love life."
Theo shrugs. "What's there to talk about?"
"What's your sexuality? That's a start," Corey says.
"I'm pansexual," Theo answers. Mason looks surprised. "Why do you look so surprised?"
Mason shrugs. "I don't know why, but I thought you'd be asexual. And you're the complete opposite."
"Sorry to disappoint," Theo retaliates.
"How many people have you kissed?" Corey questions.
Theo thinks for a moment. "Five."
"How many people have you had sex with?" Mason inquires.
"Mason!" Liam scolds.
Theo chuckles, then bites his lip. "None."
Liam's eyes widen. "Seriously?" Theo nods.
"Why?" Corey wonders.
He just shrugs. "I don't know. When I kissed people, it was to manipulate them. Sex wasn't apart of that. And with basically no emotions, I never even thought about it."
"And do you think about it now?" Mason asks.
"A little," Theo admits.
"Who are you favorite musicians?" Corey questions.
"I like Eden, Ruelle, and the band AJR," Theo informs. "Thankfully me and Alex have the same taste in music, if we didn't we definitely wouldn't live together."
Corey was about to ask why when the bell rings. Liam gets up to answer it. Gabe and Nolan enter the house.
Nolan waves. "Hi guys." Gabe flops down on the couch with a grunt. The four look at Nolan, confusion clear on their faces. "The whole 'dying in sunlight' thing is getting to him."
"I can't even go out," Gabe complains, voice muffled by the couch.
"My friend Alex might be able to make you a daylight ring," Theo tells him.
Gabe sits up. "Seriously?"
Theo nods. "But, in a day or two."
"I can wait," Gabe says. He pulls out a metal water bottle from his bag, filled with blood.
Liam grimaced. "Please tell me that's not fresh."
Gabe rolls his eyes. "It's not. I took it from the hospital." He takes a sip. "Just be glad I'm not a ripper, I know I am."
"That wouldn't be good," Nolan admits.
"So," Gabe starts, "What about you, Theo? What's going on in your life?"
Theo scratches the back of his neck. "I got a job and someone I hoped to never really see again came back. Now he's staying at my house and I basically got kicked out."
Gabe grimaces. "Man, that sucks."
  "What's your history with the person?" Nolan asks.
  "I met him while I was with the Dread Doctors," Theo starts. "They hired him to torture me and teach me to fight." He pulls down his shirt to show a burn mark on his chest. "This is the mark he branded me with." He lets go of his shirt as everyone else grimaces.
  "Why hasn't that healed?" Gabe questions.
  "Enchanted weapon," Theo answers.
  "Ow." Gabe moves in his seat. "Lets watch a movie."
  They all settle down to watch Deadpool. They get though multiple movies before they slowly drift off to sleep.

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