Pink Hearts

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Pink Hearts

A Grojband Fanfiction

Part One

It wasn't a normal day. The world seemed blurry as I recalled what had just happened.

Mina Beff my closest friend was supposed to meet me up at the mall right? So I got ready, put on my favorite purple skirt, white stockings, black slip ons, my white shirt, I was ready to go. Perfect makeup, perfect hair. I grabbed my purse and ran out to my purple car and drove to the mall. I pulled into a parking space and looked at myself in the mirror. Before I got out I put on some pink sparkle lipgloss to make sure I looked absolutely perfect for Nick Mallory if I ran into him. The car door shut behind me and the mall grew closer with every brisk step towards it. "Ugh where is she?" Leaning against the wall I searched the parking lot for her. "Nick not so close she might see us!" A hushed voice whispered. "Nick Mallory never gets caught." my heart leaped as I heard his voice. "Nick!" I thought and snuck closer to the source. "Please Nick stop! Hehe that tickles.." I peeked around the corner and saw Nick Mallory, kissing, Mina. My heart sank right through my chest and my perfected makeup was now running down my tear stained face.

"Trina what's wrong?" I looked up at Mina now standing in front of me with strained eyes and wiped the tears from my face. "I'm fine Mina, I just thought of something sad. Let's go shopping." I stood up and marched into the mall fighting away all the sadness in my heart.

When I got home Corey's obnoxious band was in the garage right where I park my car. "Out of the way losers!" I hissed and pulled in beside them. I climbed out of my car and slammed the door. I didn't have the time to deal with them or put up my too cool front with what had happened today. Corey smiled that stupid loser smile at me that he always did and I shot him a glare, silently moving my eyes from him to that red-headed girl, to Kin and lastly Kon. Laney rolled her eyes, Kin uneasily moved away and Kon looked almost... worried. My eyes widened a bit and I nervously looked away. "Whatever twerps..." I half heartedly marched up the stairs to my room and bounced into the confines of my covers.

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