How they find you/ become your parents.

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Be like hey guys we're the Maximoff twins are we're doing a parent preference book. We will write Wanda or Peitro at the end of each chapter so you know who wrote it. These are the characters we are doing. Requests are open unless we say otherwise. Happy reading!

Tony Stark/ Iron man
The genius, a billionaire, a playboy, and a philanthropist had done it again. The woman, who's name Tony had already forgotten. Woke up in his mansion naked and alone, she got up she found her clothes quickly putting them on before walking out looking for Tony.
"Tony?" She called walking through the halls her bare feet tapping on the cold stone floor.

A ginger haired woman soon meets her in the hallway. She walks up to the strange woman as the woman says.
"Who are you?" She says raising an eyebrow.

"I'm Pepper Potts. Tony's assistant." She says holding out her hand as you shake it.

"So, where's Tony?" She asks looking around awkwardly.

"Well he had things to do this morning, so he left." Pepper says.

"So, should I just wait for him here then or..." she starts saying trailing off.

"Well part of my job as Tony's assistant is to take out the trash." She says sympathetically.

      "Wha, What do you mean." The woman says as Pepper grabs her wrist leading her to the door.

      "I'm sorry miss, but it's time to leave. I really hoped you enjoyed your stay. There will be an escort outside that will take you where ever you need to go." Pepper says putting a hand on her back opening the door for you. 

      "It was nice meeting you." Pepper says politely. As you get in the car, and tell the driver the address you need to go to. As the car turns off of Starks driveway, you look out the window thinking, Trash? I'll show you who's trash.
A few months later...

      It was a normal day for Tony Stark, down in his lab making adjustments to his suit, making sure everything was up to date. Everything was just normal until Pepper walked in with a brown package, he looks back at his project.
      "You can just put the package upstairs, I'll get to it later." He says waving her off.

      "No Tony, I think you need to look at this now." Pepper says in a worried voice.

      "I have a lot of work to do." Tony says looking at Pepper.

      They have a stare off, and for once Tony gives in. Taking a deep breath in he says.
      "Fine, but this better be life changing or I'm not going to be happy."  He says as Pepper hands Tony the box.

                        Tony's POV
      When I get handed the box I am surprised how heavy it was. I set it down on my lap, I carefully open the box, what I see inside is a, a baby. Probably not even a month old. I look over a Pepper a shocked look on my face. I set the box on the table, picking up the sleeping baby. A piece of paper falls on the floor. I gently put the baby back into the box picking up the piece of paper.

Tony Stark,
      I was just taking out the trash like your assistant did months ago. I hope you take care of YOUR child, or at least better than you did to me.

A girl you probably don't remember.

      I look back up at Pepper Who now has the baby.
      "Well it's a girl." Pepper says looking back up at you.

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