Your First Day of School

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Tony Stark | Iron Man

    Preschool. What a time to be alive. Tony had done hours of research on which one you wouldn't just like, but what one would give you the best education. Finally he found it. Prairie Oaks Private academy for intelligent children. He called them and they were beyond happy to have Tony Stark's child going to their school. And today, today was the first day you would go to school!
"Hurry up (y/n) breakfast is ready." Tony shouts from the kitchen flipping the last pancake.
  He can hear your loud stomps as you run into the kitchen.
"Daddy help me! I don't know how to put this on my neck!" You pout.
  Tony chuckles kneels down to help you with your tie.
Because this was a private school it required uniforms. A white short-sleeved blouse, a red tie, a blue and black plaid skirt, knee high navy socks, and little black pull on shoes. Your hair neatly braided by Aunt Natasha.
  You were exceptionally upset when you found out you couldn't wear your pink Paw Patrol shoes. But right now you were too excited to worry about that. You couldn't wait to learn!  
   You gobble down your pancakes and then brush your teeth. Grabbing your backpack and lunch Tony has you get in your car seat in his corvette and then you are off to school. Tony arrives to school.
"Have fun sweetheart but please don't talk back and play nice with the other kids. Try not to be a smart ass." He emotionally says.
"Ok! Bye Daddy I love you!"  Saying as you scurry out the car.
Tony said a faint I love you too but you couldn't hear him you were too busy getting acquainted with the other kids.

You runs up to a girl with blonde hair and green eyes.
"Hello my name is (y/n) do you wanna be friends?" You say to her.
"My name is Elliott! Let's be best friends!" She exclaims.
You both set down your backpacks and go play on the playground.
"Make sure not to get in the way of the first graders or they'll hurt you. That's what my sister told me!" Elliott exclaims.
You stuck that piece of knowledge in your brain and then carried on playing.
There were two swings opens so you and Elliot dash to them jumping on and starting to pump your legs.
"I can go higher than you!" Elliot yells.
"Nuh uh I can beat you!" You laugh and start swinging higher and higher.
You both continue your competition until the bell rings. You jump off the swing, grab your backpacks, and run inside.
Walking in people are running and screaming. You didn't like it very much, but you needed to follow Elliot so you didn't lose her. This was a very big school. You follow her into the kindergarten room where a big colorful carpet with the ABC's. There were also numbers on the wall, and crayons to be colored with.
The worst thing, to say the least was the teacher himself. His name was Mr. Plateau. He was nice to the other kids but the minuet he saw your last name was Stark he had a skeptical look on his face. You didn't really worry about him. Right now you and Elliot were eating lunch together on the grass.
"Aww man my mom packed me a peanut butter and raspberry sandwich!" Elliot whines.
"Shucks my Dad packed me a peanut butter and Grape Jelly sandwich!" You exclaim.
"Wanna switch!" Elliot says.
"Yeah!" You say.
  Bonding over sandwiches made your friendship even closer.
"Wanna hear some playground drama?" Elliot asks.
"Yea!" You chuckle.
"Well Brian Weiner has cooties so didn't let him touch you! Amanda and Sofia both think they are the top kids at this school since they have the newest American girl dolls. Did you know that they have over twenty of them!" Elliot explains.
"Oooh interesting!" You aww some raspberry jelly dripping down your cheek.
   Lunch just consist of you and Elliot laughing over random things and sharing the twinkies that her mom packed for her. Finally the bell rang and you went back inside.
When you entered the class three sentences were written on the board.

Look at the car over their
Is this sentence correct or incorrect?

What animal barks, wags it tail, and is mans best friend?
Please spell it.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2018 ⏰

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