Potty Training

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Tony Stark | Iron Man

   Your father had explained it a million times. If you had to go potty you needed to tell him. Of course there were some times you forgot, but Tony understood, you were just learning. 
   Currently you were sitting in the living room, Pepper watching you but only for a while. She had to leave soon because of the baby that was just born in her family. She was sitting with you, at your tea table. Helping you learn the alphabet.
"What letter is this (y/n)?" She says, making you look up at the paper.
You thought for a awhile before answering.
"That's a P!" You proudly shout.
"Very good! Now can you name an animal that starts with P?" Pepper teaches.
"Puffin!" You exclaim.

Pepper knew you were going to say that, for she knew you favorite book was 'That Puffin Ate My Muffin'. Glancing at her watch Pepper notices that it's time to go.
"Bye (y/n)!" Pepper says. You wave at her telling her bye and then continue to study your alphabet. But becoming bored you take your paper, stand up, and walk out into the living room. Smiling when you see the rest of the Avengers. You run towards Mjölnir and grab onto its handle and try to pick it up, using all your might. But failing.
  Thor also known a Four as you can't pronounce the TH in his name yet, laughs.
"Come here little (y/n) you can lift Mjölnir." Thor says.
   He grabs (y/n) and puts her on his knee. You laugh happily as he bounces you up and down. He then picks up Mjölnir and brings it close to you. You grab onto the handle.
"See your definitely worthy to hold Mjölnir." Thor says, you squeal happily.
   After a few minuets sitting on Thor's lap you get bored and have him put you down. About three seconds later Tony walks in. Haven't have seen him all day you sprint to him.
"Daddy!" You scream.
"Hey kiddo how are you." He says while picking you up swiftly.
  Some of the other Avengers aww at how much you loved your father. It was nice to see a soft side of Tony Stark.
"I lifted hammer!" You proudly tell him.
   Tony looks at Thor and he shrugs.
"She's worthy."
He smiles and boops your nose.
   Nick Fury walks in and makes sure everyone knows he's there. Now it's time for their meeting. Just so he wouldn't have to walk out of the meeting your Dad asks if you had to go potty. You say no, Tony hoping that was the case.
   No one was there to watch you so it was necessary for you to join him.
   Grabbing some crayons, a coloring book, a doll, and your blanket you walk into the meeting room.
  "Can you draw a nice picture for someone (y/n)?" Tony pleads not wanting you to disturb this important meeting.
"Yes Daddy." You say, opening up a page and aggressively coloring. Sighing and sitting down the Avengers start their meeting.
   You didn't want to be mean so you decided to color a picture for each of them. Even eyepatch guy (you didn't know his name). One by one you stated to work on your masterpieces, a car for Daddy, a fox for Clint, of course a butterfly for Natasha, a heart for Thor, a eagle for Steve, a flower for Bruce, and a pumpkin for eye patch guy.
   You were just about to finish your picture for Thor when you relized you had to go potty. Badly. You crawled under the table and tugged on your Dad pant leg. He didn't notice. You tired again pulling harder but he still didn't notice.
   By this time you didn't know if you were gonna make it so you crawled out from under the table and walked over to Tony.
   "MY POOP IS COMING!" You scream as loud as you can getting your Dads attention. He sighs and gets up.
"Excuse me." He walks out of the room with you.
Steve, Clint, Thor, Natasha, and Bruce who were holding in laughter, bursted our laughing once the Starks left the room. Tony came back five minutes later.
   Only Clint had the nerve to ask.
"So did you make it?"

Steve Rogers | Captain America

   Photophobia also known as the fear of loud noises, or in other cases your fear. Steve didn't know why this was, but he was ok with it. He knew you were little and you would probably grow out of it.
Because of this fear he had to put anything that would even make the slightest noise out of your reach. For example the Jack-in-a-box that Bucky had gotten for you. Only soft toys and dolls that didn't talk remained, but if this made you happy Steve was alright with it. You were Sat on the ground, playing with your doll. Who was currently being eaten by a shark.
"Yummy." You say, portraying the shark.
   Steve stuffed a laugh. He loved seeing his daughter enjoying herself. Although if he didn't have any work Steve would join you. His paperwork, piled as high as the ceiling, it was a nightmare to finish. Being an Avenger didn't mean always having a free day. After missions you were required to write down every single detail.

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