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Don't  cut. Don't die. Don't do anything rash. Take a breath. Listen to the steady beat of your heart. Do you hear that? That thumping rhythm? It's your heart. It's still beating. And as long as your heart is beating, you have a purpose in life. It may not seem like it now, but it will become clear, in the future. Keep breathing. Keep living. Keep going. Life is once. And it's like baseball. It has a few curveballs, but we can hit them. Life is like a book, you can't start it, and then end halfway. Live to the fullest. Finish your story. Because the stories with sad beginnings, are the most beautiful stories of all. So listen to the steady rhythm of your heart and remember,

You are loved

You are needed

You are wanted

You are important

And no one can

Change that

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