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"Why don't you both lead and show us the camp?" suggested ______kit. Tigerkit and Juniperkit glanced at each other. "That's....actually a really good idea isn't it Tigerkit?" Mewed Juniperkit hesitantly. "Alright then... C'mon let's go explore camp." Announced Tigerkit. Turning around Tigerkit and Juniperkit lead you and Quietkit out of the Nursery. Before you, lay the camp in full sunlight. To the left of the Nursery ______kit could see a group of warriors trotting away from the clearing toward a parting in the grass that _____kit assumed was the entrance. To the right of the Nursery and a little walk away was some ferns. Directly in front of ______kit was a clearing, in the centre of which was a large branch propped against a rock.

Ask to see the bramble bush 23.

Ask to investigate the entrance 24.

Ask to see the ferns 25.

Ask about the clearing 26.

Ask about the branch and rock 27.

Warrior Cats Choose Your Own Adventure (CYOA) Chapter 1.Where stories live. Discover now