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______kit headed toward the Elder Bush. Inside _____kit could hear a couple of cats snoring quite loudly. The bush smelt of old cats, ______kit assumed that this was the Elders' Den. Before ______kit could decide whether or not to enter the den, he/she heard a cat's voice saying "What are you doing young kit? The Elders won't be telling any stories just yet." Turning around ______kit saw that the voice belonged to a pale gray she-cat with blue eyes, who looked slightly amused. "Come young one. You can see the Elders later when they're awake. I'm Dovefeather by the way" the she-cat mewed before picking ______kit up and carrying him/her back to the Nursery. "Now go back to sleep before your mother discovers that you left" meowed Dovefeather before leaving. ______kit curled back up in his/her nest with Quietkit, who purred briefly in her sleep, before falling asleep. When ______kit woke up again his/her mother was nowhere to be seen but Quietkit was playing Mossball in a corner of the Nursery with Tigerkit and Juniperkit, Morningleaf's two kits that were 2 moons old. "______kit your awake! Come play with us" mewed Tigerkit (if your female, if not Juniperkit meows it).

Join the game 5.

Politely decline and ask to go exploring again 6.

Ignore them and leave the Nursery to explore more 7.

Warrior Cats Choose Your Own Adventure (CYOA) Chapter 1.Where stories live. Discover now