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"I was exploring!" _____kit mewed in reply. "Exploring? Why were you exploring the Apprentices' Den when you could've been exploring the Warriors' Den" the young cat meowed. "Anyway, we should get you back to the Nursery before your mother wakes up and starts to worry. Come on, follow me." Turning the cat started padding toward the Nursery. _____kit reluctantly followed, not wanting to be left behind in case there were other apprentices hidden in the ferns. "Now go back into the Nursery and sleep before your mother starts to worry. You can visit me later" the cat meowed before returning to the Apprentices' Den. _____kit returned to his/her nest and curled up in it, snuggling into the warmth of his/her family. After all _____kit was very tired after his/her early morning exploration. It didn't take long for ______kit to fall asleep again. When he/she woke up again his/her mother was nowhere to be seen but Quietkit was playing Mossball in a corner of the Nursery with Tigerkit and Juniperkit, Morningleaf's two kits that were 2 moons old. "______kit your awake! Come play with us" mewed Tigerkit (if your female, if not Juniperkit meows it).

Join the game 5.

Politely decline and ask about exploring 6.

Ignore them and leave the Nursery to explore 7.

Warrior Cats Choose Your Own Adventure (CYOA) Chapter 1.Where stories live. Discover now