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"The Elders' Den is under the Elder bush over there. C'mon I'll show ya. I'm sure Sparrowtail and Blackpelt will have stories for you to listen to" meows Spottedpaw as he/she (the opposite of you) leads you to the Elder bush. "Sparrowtail! Blackpelt! Brambleberry's kits want to hear a story" calls Spottedpaw as you reach the Elders' Den. "Kits wanting to hear stories you say, Spottedpaw? Who ever would've thought! Alright send them in" meows a voice creaky with age. "Alright, go on in you lot. I better find out whether or not I've got patrol. Bye." Spottedpaw meows as he/she leaves. Entering the Elders' Den _____kit sees to old cats. One is a black tom with blue eyes, that ______kit assumes is Blackpelt. The other cat is a brown tabby she-cat with amber eyes and a gray muzzle. The she-cat speaks, her voice is instantly recognizable as the one from earlier "Make yourselves comfortable young kits. I'm Sparrowtail and that lump of fur over there is Blackpelt. Now what would you like to hear about?"

How Hailstar became leader 40.

The Great Clans 41.

The other clans 42.

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