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Justin's POV
Click. Click. Click.

I scanned through the photos that I had taken of the 2 people I was photographing, of course, without them really knowing. The girl wore a simple red dress that she didn't look satisfied in with natural makeup and hair down, her child, that was cute as a button, wore a cute baby outfit. Both walking in the park.

I would have been in more awe if I would have seen a blonde haired guy next to them.

I'm surprised to even see both of them out without their kidnapper. The devil of them all. It's been months and still, police have not thought once about S-

"Excuse me." I hear a soft voice say as I hid behind a bush. I looked up, fixing my dark glasses and hoodie that would cover my tattoos and a black hat to cover my noticeable hair. My eyes almost popped out seeing the familiar face. Thank God for these glasses.

"Y-Yes?" I respond in a weird accent that I made up in the moment. Sophia smiles and points to my camera.

"I dont find it weird, but can I ask why?" She questions and I start to think of excuses in my head.

"Uh, well, I like to take picture of people that are not really trying to pose or look good. You and your lovely baby look beautiful." I say standing up from the bush and looked into the stroller, seeing a sleeping Alexander.

Yes, I know his name.

"Well, thank you. Will that be going anywhere?"

"Uh, no ma'am. This is a hobby." I say and she nods kindly.

"Do you m-mind if I have the picture, as in take a picture with my phone and keep it?" Sophia questions with a small stutter and I am quick to give her my camera so she takes the picture.

Once she captures it, she looks at me and smiles for a few long seconds.

"You remind me of someone, but I dont know anyone here in Seattle."

I cleared my throat and nod, looking off into another direction at nothing.

"Well, hope you get to meet a new someone. I have to get going. It was nice meeting you S- I mean, madam." I rushed and quickly walked away, getting a small last glance at the small creature in the stroller.

Logan's POV
"Chloe...why didn't you tell me sooner?" I asked as we sat in the living room discussing the newly fresh news she texted me a few hours back.

Chloe seemed to not be wanting to explain much, in which I didn't want to push her, but this is the second pregnancy I've had to deal with. Another child that's mine.

"With what happened with Sophia..I thought you would have told me to get an abortion or s-something because you wouldn'tbelieve it would be y-yours." Chloe chokes and I am quick to hold her in my arms as she starts to silently cry.

I was mad at myself for causing her to believe such things. Things I didn't mean. I was mad at Sophia for messing around with Justin, yes, but that was in the spur of the moment. It's over now.

"No, Chloe. This is my responsibility now. I'll take care of both of you with all I have. I promise." I say and she looks up at me, her eyes slightly red.

"You're not mad?"

"Why would I be? Its no one's fault okay? Do you want to keep it?"

The question seemed to have taken her back a little being that her eyes widen a little and then she looked somewhere else other then my eyes.

"You okay?" I asked and Chloe nodded quickly.

"Yes, of course. I'm fine. I was just thinking about how it will be carrying a baby and then having it, you know." Chloe responds.

As she mentioned that, I started to remember the small things I went through when Sophia was pregnant and I was around. How she'd complain about her feet being swollen and how she didn't like the morning sickness. I'd be downstairs vlogging and she would yell at me from our room "Morning sickness is a bitch!"

At this moment, I was really missing her more then I have ever have any other day. I wanted to hold her close and protect her, keep her warm. I wanted to reassure her that things will indeed turn out to be great in the end. But it wasnt.

"That's okay. I mean, I know a few things about what happens during pregnancy because when I was with Sophia-"

"No, stop. If we are going to be a couple, living together, and having a child together, she has to be out of the picture. She has to be out of focus." Chloe says sounding annoyed.

"But Chloe-"

"No, Logan. You committed yourself to me and now we are months away from having our family. You either forget about her and the focus on me, or keep being in love with her and I leave."

I couldn't believe the words that were coming out her mouth. But, I didn't believe much of anything anymore anyway.

"Fine. I will." I say and she gives me a small nod before walking off like nothing had happened.

I wanted to cry. That's such a child thing for me to say or even do, but I did and here I am admitting to it. I wanted to to cry because I didn't and couldn't get Sophia out of the picture. She was my world and I was stupid enough for ever believing that I could live without her.

But I couldn't cry anymore. I had already cried possibly all my tears in the past few months. So all I could do was sit down, look at the wall, and think about what the hell I was going to do with a new baby on the way.

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