April 20 meeting the neighbor

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If you want to get to the shawn part go to chapter 4 yes it takes awhile sorry ☺️.

J̥e̥n̥n̥ḁ's̥ P̥O̥V̥

It's Sunday the weather is perfect out side,

I just came back from church with the family I see the light blue house across from me the sign that said "for sale" came off and a U-Haul truck parked at front of the sold house. I get my my dog Doritos (I always wanted to name my dog that) and take him for a walk at the park across my house, I see the new girl walking around and she come up toy dog

Casey: OMG!!! You dog is so cute and little

(Bark, Bark)

Jenna: Sorry he's not use to new people

Casey: It's fine, do you live around here?

Jenna: Yea, I live at the reddish house (I point).

Are you the new neighbors?

Casey: Ya, I just moved here from Pickering in Canada.

Jenna: Wow you came from a long way! why here in Rosa though?

Casey: My dad had to move jobs.

Jenna: That sucks moving far from your friends, well I'll be one of your first friends here in Rosa. I said smiling an laughing

What school are you going to?

Casey: I'm going to be doing online schooling. How old are you?

Jenna: That sucks but at least you don't have to waking up early every morning ahha. I'm 15, what about you?

Casey: I'm 16, so you should come inside and hang out so we can get to know each other.

Jenna: Yea, just let me put my dog away and I'll be their.

C̥ḁs̥e̥y̥'s̥ P̥O̥V̥

I was at the park I see the cutest dog ever and I see the owner is about my age I saw her walk from a house so she must be from the neighbor hood. I was thinking that I have to be friend with her be cause I will be home schooled so I won't have any friends. We talked a little and I invited her to my house.

Sorry it's not long but I'm still continuing




Born in Ca USA

long black hair




Born in Canada



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