Best Night ever!

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S̥h̥ḁw̥n̥'s̥ P̥O̥V̥

Today was a crazy day with all the fans at the market but they best part was that I had the nerves to put me arm around Jenna! She wasn't freaking out or mad that the fans where around she understood. Every time I talk to her I just get butterflies in my stomach. I think this feelings is more than like...

*in the car*

Jenna: Oh shit! You see that!

Casey: See what?

Jenna: Oh never mind it was just road kill.

Shawn: Casey let's take a picture

*snapchat photo*

Casey: Zaaammmm we look hot!! Haha

Shawn: Hella ya we do ahahah

Shawn took like 5 selfies and put them on Jenna's story Rachel photo was 4 seconds.

*ring, ring*

Jenna: Who's calling me?

Shawn: It's Melissa

Casey: Shit!

Jenna: It's fine I'll handle it Shawn can u answer it and put it on speaker just don't talk you guys... Hello?


Jenna: No he's a friend I just met him

Melissa: It doesn't took like it in the pictures... Is he with you?

Jenna: Umm... We only looked like a couple so all the fans would back off so we can leave

Melissa: Okay, but is he with you I just saw your story.

Jenna: No sorry I dropped him off at his hotel

Melissa: okay Jenna, if you guys ever hangout again you need to take me or you have to date him or give me his number and wheres is hotel.

Jenna: Okay I'll snap chat you boo bye

Melissa: Wait Jenna which is it?

Jenna: I'll think about it

*she hung up*

Casey: Well Jenna what are you going to tell her?

Shawn stares at me

Jenna: I'd rather date you than give her your number Shawn.

Shawn: I would say the same thing about you. I said smiling back at her

Jenna: Well where home

We go inside and the parents are in the kitchen drinking wine.

Casey: We're home!

Mr Lawrence: So where did u guys go?

Shawn: We went to the market downtown, it was crazy because the girls notice me and tons of girls kept come so we have to leave.

Casey: We will be upstairs if you need us

C̥ḁs̥e̥y̥'s̥ P̥O̥V̥

So it's oblivious that Shawn and Jenna will have a thing for now until Shawn has the balls the ask her out.

Jenna: I have to leave soon guys

Casey: Why don't you sleep over?

Jenna: Okay

Shawn: Good! I don't want you to leave.

Casey: Shawn you should sleep in here for tonight you can sleep on the couch

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2014 ⏰

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