The Market

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C̥ḁs̥e̥y̥'s̥ P̥O̥V̥

We went downstairs to eat spaghetti that I missed because Shawn's mom makes the best. After we ate we went to the park.

Casey: So, Shawn do you have a girlfriend in Canada or a thing with one?

Shawn: No I've been focusing on my EP album that's coming out soon

We go to the swings and stairs their and talked

Casey: Would you go out with anyone right now?

Shawn: Yea I would I just been busy but since I'm on vacation I'm not going to focus on music

Shawn kept on looking at Jenna well I was talking to him Jenna was walking her dog a little.

Casey: So, do you think my friend Jenna is nice?

And cute I mumbled

Shawn: Yea she is, she wasn't like a crazy fan that would talk to me all about the boys or vine, and she's funny.

Casey: Would you go out with her?

Shawn: I don't know maybe, she's really pretty but I would want to get to know her first.

Casey: OMG! Shawn! You got a crush!

Shawn: What! No I don't!

Casey: Shut up! I see how you look at her and you don't look at any girl like that! I really want you guys to go out.

*Jenna walk to us after she put her dog in the house*

Jenna: Hey, so what are you guys talking about?

Casey: About how we became best friend. As I winked at Jenna.

Jenna: Oh okay, so What are you guys going to do today?

Casey: Jenna! where ever we're going you coming! I need you around. And idk what do u guys want to do?

Shawn: I want to see if I can get a gym membership so I can work out this summer.

Casey: Okay, Jenna has a gym that she goes to you can probably sign up their

Jenna: Yea! We can go their now if you want

Casey: Okay let's go, but before we go we need to go to gravity hill!

Jenna: Oooo, ya I haven't been their for awhile

Shawn: What's Gravity hill?

Casey: It's a hill where you drive up and your in the car and the gravity will pull the car up not really exciting but it's just fun to do

Shawn: Okay I'm down.

Casey: Mom we're leaving we're going to bring Shawn around town.

Okay be safe said Ms. Lawrence

We took Jenna's car she only has her permit but she's soon will get her license in 3 months.

J̥e̥n̥n̥ḁ's̥ P̥O̥V̥

As we get into my car I was walking next to Shawn while Casey was telling her family we're leaving.

Jenna: So what are you thinking to do this summer here?

Shawn: I don't know just hangout with Casey and you I guess I really just want to relax

* Casey comes in *

Casey: Let's go!

Casey plugs in my iPod to the AUX and the song Bloom Clap comes on and I just starting singing to Casey, it was really funny we where all laughing.

My Neighbor's cousin (Shawn Mendes story)Where stories live. Discover now