Casey's Room

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J̥e̥n̥n̥ḁ's̥ P̥O̥V̥

When Casey brought me down I see everyone then I see Shawn, he looked so hot! with his white shirt and dark blue jeans. I tried not to make it look like I'm starring.

Casey: So me Jenna and Shawn and going to my room while you guys have your grown up time

When I walking up to her room I was thinking not to talk about magcon nor vine. I go straight to the couch and learn the picking the ukelele for 2 minutes.

Jenna: I give up on this picking shit! lol

Casey: Wow Jenna! Never give up!

Jenna: Well what ever

Shawn was just sitting on Casey's bed watching me and me casey talking

Jenna: Well, anyways so Shawn how was your flight

Shawn: It was boring I was sitting to some random duded who was sleeping on my shoulder he said with a little shyness

Jenna: I would've took selfies with him ahahha jk

Shawn: So u don't know how to play the ukelele?

Jenna: *i play the uke and talk* I do I just want to learn how to to the picking thing so I can do song better

Shawn: Oh, do you sing?

Jenna: Ahhaha No I would hurt your ears I wish I could but yea... Do you sing? I said like I didn't know

Jenna: just kidding! I know you do I've seen your vines and I have your song Life of The Party.

Shawn: Ahaha thank you for supporting my song

*Ring* *Ring* my phone

Jenna: Oh shit! It's FaceTime?! *i walk to casey* look it's Melissa

Casey: OMG! Did you tell her Shawn's here?

Jenna: No, and Shawn, she's a huge fan of magcon

Shawn: Oh answer it maybe she want to meet me

Jenna and Casey: NO!

Jenna: No she's annoying I'll tell you everything after I'm done talking to her.

Just every quiet!

* I answer the FaceTime*

Melissa: *HUGE SCREAM* omg! Jenna!!!!

Jenna: OMG! What!?

Melissa: SHAWN MENDES IS IN THE BAY AREA OR NEAR USI!!!! he posted a insta photo leaving the golden gate bridge and said " I'll be in Cali for the summer"

I look at Shawn with a WTF FACE 😐

Jenna: Umm... Okay you won't find him he could be anywhere

Melissa: OMG! You don't know that! I already met jack & jack, Aaron,Taylor, and Jacob... I wish you came with me to magcon last month, but if Shawn Mendes was their you would've totally went with me!

Jenna: Well... I would've went if the full magcon was their because I was a bigger fan of them,

I said as I was not trying to make it look like I'm obsessed with him

Melissa: I'm going to hunt him down and make him sing to me then hold on to him till the security takes me off him!

Jenna: Okay Melissa you go do that I have to go bye boo!😘😘

Shawn: So tell me why?

Casey: She is a crazy fan of magcon!

Jenna: Yea if I show her I was with you she would make you follow her on thing then sing for her or-

Casey: or tell Jenna to make sure that she makes out with you or get your phone and get all the Viners phone numbers!

Jenna: Yea and I don't want you to have a crazy fan annoying you on the trip that's rude and you probably want to relax.

Shawn: Thank you guys 😊

S̥h̥ḁw̥n̥'s̥ P̥O̥V̥

When Jenna's friend asked if Jenna would've came to the magcon if I was their, got I nervous because I though she would say no but then Jenna tried to say if all the magcon crew was their she would go I wish she just said yes but she probably got nervous. She so funny! And fun to hangout with we only been hangout for 30 minutes but she's not shy and I love that I a girl

Casey: Jenna play song music!!!'

Jenna: Okay! I'm feeling ed sheeran or anything but YG lolz

*she gets her iPod and plugs it in Casey's speakers*

The song Left,Right by YG plays

Jenna: I can't helps my self to dance a little ahahha

Jenna dances and she dances pretty good (dances hip hop)

Casey: WHOOO!

Jenna: Okay I'm over it ahha

*song, I see fire by Ed sheeran*

Shawn: I sang to the beginning of the song

Jenna: Okay! We all know you have the voice from god we don't he the reminder ahah she said in a joking way

Shawn: Ahaha I can't help my self I love the song

Casey: Your obsessed with Ed sheeran Shawn!


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