We're hanging out

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C̥ḁs̥e̥y̥'s̥ P̥O̥V̥

I told me parents that I met someone my around my age and I invited her. I go up to my new room theirs boxes still around but I didn't care because I'm still moving in all I have it my bed done and a couch I'm my room. I go outside and wait for Jenna.

J̥e̥n̥n̥ḁ's̥ P̥O̥V̥

I put Doritos in the house I get my bag and charger because I hate it when my phone is dying, I put it in my bag told my grandma (she lives with me) I'm going to the new neighbors house.

"Hey Jenna come in." She said with a smile.

I go in something are still in boxes but I didn't care because they barley moved in today.

"Dad this is Jenna the one that loves at the red house over their." She said

Her dad was tall 6'1 dark hair he looks like someone who plays gold

"Hi Jenna I'm Jerry." he said with a nice smile

"Where's mom so I can introduce Jenna to her" Casey asked

"She's up stairs honey." Her dad said

We go upstairs to theaters bed room

"Mom this is Jenna I just met her at the park she lives across the street."

Her mom was same height as Casey w/ dirty blond hair to the shoulder.

"Nice to meet you Jenna I'm Amanda." Casey's mom said

"Nice to meet you too Ms.Lawrence." I said

"We're going to my room mom." Casey said

C̥ḁs̥e̥y̥'s̥ P̥O̥V̥

I introduced Jenna to my parents them we went to my room.

"So this is my room." I said

Jenna say down in the couch while I look for my portable speaker

"So Casey are you the only child?" she said with coincidence

"Ahaha! isn't obvious ahha I wish I had a brother or sister." I said laughing

"How about you? Do you have and brothers or sisters?" I asked

"Yea, I have a older sister, older brother and an younger sister." she said

So to not keep this boring they just keep on asking question to each other to get to know each other and they have a lot of things in common.

I check the time it's 6:00

"Wow the time went by fast." I said

"Casey and Jenna come down here." Her dad said

We go down stairs and my mom made Mac n Cheese

"So Jenna since we just moved here where are good places to visit in Rosa." My Mom asked

Jenna told her some places

"Hey Jenna why don't you come with us tomorrow since it's a furlough day for you we are going to go around Rosa to get to know it more." my dad asked Jenna

"Yea I'll love to go my mom won't mind." Jenna said

We go back up to my room and just lay on the bed Jenna goes on vine and goes threw her news feed

"OMG! I didn't tell you!" I said

"Tell me what?" Jenna said

"You know the vine singer Shawn Mendes?"

"Yea, I fucken love him!" she said with a smile

"Did you date him or made out with him?" She asked

"Eweeeeee!!!!!! No he's my cousin."

I show her pictures

"OMG! You serious guuurrrrlll!" she freaked out

J̥e̥n̥n̥ḁ's̥ P̥O̥V̥

Sooo... Finding out that I'm friends with SHAWN MENDES COUSIN IS FREAKING ME OUT!!! But I don't want Casey to get the impression that I would use her to meet him like I would love to meet him but I don't want to use her to meet her if rather keep the Shawn Mendes cousin thing back of my mind.

To get the Shawn Mendes park I'll give u a summary how they become best friends

Jenna goes with the Lawrence Fam around Rosa,

Almost everyday after school Casey and Jenna hangout Casey's parents loves Jenna like a family,

Sorry that theses chapters don't have Shawn Mendes I just think you should know how it all started.❤️

My Neighbor's cousin (Shawn Mendes story)Where stories live. Discover now