The Class

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3rd POV
Glynda: so you know?
Ozpin: of course I know, it's obvious on how you talk to him
Glynda: don't tell him....
Ozpin: he needs to know, he needs to know that his real mother is you
Glynda: it's better if he assumes "she's" dead
Ozpin: you told him that his parents died in a fire....I know that you put his stepmother as his
mother, but his mother is right here in front of me, please tell the boy
Glynda: I'll tell him.....when he's ready
Ozpin: do it before it's too late....get some rest, he's in your fighting class tomorrow, don't make it obvious you care more for him than the others, like you said, he's smart and will figure it out the wrong way
Glynda: yes Ozpin
Timeskip to the Morning
Y/N woke up to his alarm and stretched.
Julia: good to see that you're up
Y/N: how long have you been up?
Julia: about an hour, I'm thinking we decorate  a little bit
Y/N: we use your stuff because I don't have anything
Julia: no, after classes you and I will go shopping
Y/N: if you want to
Julia: now, you should get ready, class starts in....14 minutes
Y/N: I'll be ready in 2
2 minutes later
Y/N: finished
Julia: how did you finish so fast?
Y/N: I have my ways, now let's get over to our first teacher
Julia: some guy named Port
Y/N: sounds like a guy who likes ships
Julia: let's get over there then
They left the dorm and went down the hallway.
Y/N: so there's a fighting class before lunch, should I use the sword or transform?
Julia: why not both.
Y/N: what should I become?
Julia: I mean the annihilated bear is cool, but why not something mean looking, instead of scary
Y/N: I have just the form for the job
Julia: do tell
Y/N: but why spoil the surprise
The two walked past Glynda and Ozpin.
Glynda: those two are close
Ozpin: they won't be more than that
Glynda: want to make a bet?
Ozpin: 200 lien that he will be with a different girl
Glynda: pick the girl, it wouldn't be fair
Ozpin: I'll say.....Ms. Long
Glynda: you're kidding me right?
Ozpin: we cant interfere, we can only watch
Glynda: what if it isn't Ms. Long and it's Ms. Rose?
Ozpin: then Oobleck wins the bet
Glynda: what about Ms. Nikos?
Ozpin: Port wins
Glynda: anyone say Ms. Belladonna?
Ozpin: Nope....they all said it would go to Hell and that she isn't a nice girl for him....they all heard about what happened
Glynda: any say Ms. Schnee?
Ozpin: Peach
Glynda: ah....I better get to class
Team RWBY and JNPR ran in front of them.
Glynda: this is going to be a long day
In Port's class Julia and Y/N were sitting next to each other, RWBY and JNPR sat by each other.
Port: alright class, today we will talk about Grimm, first we have a Beowulf, they are very common and very dangerous, then we have a Nevermore, as young Bloodthorn fought one yesterday, only to reveal that it was a Helmaroc, one of the most dangerous creatures that can fly
Everyone looked at Y/N.
Y/N: was colorful
Weiss: what was that thing you turned Into?
Y/N: Griffin
Ruby: do you have other cool transformations?
Y/N: I have a bunch, still finding new ones
Port: would you like to show us, by fighting a Boartubusk
Y/N: sure
Y/N got up and went to the front of the class
Port: nothing huge, but something we would find cool
Y/N closed his eyes and more arms came out of him, then went to the floor and roared.

Ruby: OH MY GOD! THAT IS INCREDIBLE!Blake looked at the transformed Y/N in disbeliefY/N: !iesaY

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Blake looked at the transformed Y/N in disbelief
Y/N: ! I
He then roared and the boartubusk broke out of the cage and they both began circling.
Julia: cool
Yang POV
Cute and dangerous....I like it
Ruby POV
Weiss POV
Such a revolting creature
Blake POV
No....the freak He died
3rd POV
The Grimm and Y/N charged each other. Y/N then bit down on the Boartubusk's neck and grounded it. It began squealing in pain before Y/N ripped off its head.
Some of the students, including Blake, looked at him in fear.
Y/N: ziw a ekat annog m'I.....tsalb a saw taht lleW
He transformed back and went out the door
Port: where are you going?
Ruby: he's going to the bathroom, that's what he said before he transformed back

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