The Truth

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Julia grabbed a few posters.
Julia: pick one?
Me: I like the crab one

Julia: are you picking this because of our fight today?Me:

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Julia: are you picking this because of our fight today?
Julia: fair enough
?????: well look who it is
Julia and I looked over to see some punk with a Mohawk.
Julia: oh no
Me: who is that?
Julia: my ex...Jacob
Jacob: I haven't seen you in a year
Julia: kinda hoping it would stay that way
Jacob: who's this?
Julia: this is Y/N, my friend
Jacob: so why is he here?
Julia: we're going shopping
Jacob: what's the matter, can't go alone?
Me: why don't you go back in your nice car and go blow your friends off
He looked at me with anger
Jacob: say that again
Me: blow your friends off
He punched me in the face.
Me: oh that's a strong right hook, I can tell you're still a virgin
He went to punch me again but I turned my hand into a claw and grabbed his wrist.
Jacob: what are you?!
Me: a guy who's gonna say leave now or I will snap your hand off
Jacob: screw you!
I began crushing his hand, making him scream and everyone started looking.
Me: leave Julia alone
I then bent his wrist back snapping it, making him fall to the ground screaming. Julia looked at me and back to him
Julia: nice one
Me: thank you, let's continue shopping
Julia: with pleasure
Yang POV
We were back in our dorms.
Me: what did you do to the guy?
Blake: I may have not treated him the nicest
Weiss: like how? did you abuse him?
Blake: I wouldn't call it abuse
Ruby: did you call him names?
Blake: meh
Me: you had so much guilt on hour face during lunch, what changed during then and now?
Blake: realizing he isn't going to do anything about it, he knows he would get suspended if he hits someone without class approval
Weiss: who turned on your bitch switch
Blake: excuse me?
Singing was heard from outside, I opened the window to see something blocking out the moon, and it was flapping.
????? *singing*: I was made for loving you baby
Me: I remember that voice
The singing then stopped
????: PULL UP!
A giant bat crashed right into the dorm next to us, breaking the window.
Ruby: what was that?
Me: I think it was that Julia girl....riding a bat?
Ruby ran out of the dorm room.
I transformed back to normal.
Me: I need to work on that landing
Julia: bats are blind, you have to use hearing
Me: that's why I couldn't fly well, I was trying to figure out what the hell I was doing
Julia: atleast we are Ali-
Ruby kicked open the door.
Ruby: I heard a crash, are you both alright?
Julia: I think we're fine, are you Y/N?
Me: nope.....definitely broke a rib.....I'm kidding I'm fine
I got up and dusted myself off.
Ruby: alright....also is it ok I can talk with you...
Me: sure, take a seat and watch the glass, some idiot broke it
Julia: is this about Blake?
Ruby: yep
Me: alright, ask your questions
Ruby: how did she abuse you?
Me: everyday for 5 years I was beaten by her, I was tormented day and night, I drew the line when she mentioned my dead parents
Ruby: your mother and father are dead?
Me: well I don't know about my real mom, I considered my step mother to be my real mother since she raised me after I was left on their doorstep
Ruby: how do you know he was your real father?
Me: because I look a lot like him, I have a bunch of qualities that he had
Ruby: like that?
Me: well his eye color, hair color, and we were both broad as hell, there's a lot more that I won't get into depth about
Ruby: do you remember anything about your mother?
Me: flowing red hair, that is all I remember
Ruby: that's not much to go off
Me: yeah and since this is an anime, almost everyone has some funky hair color
Ruby: I'll keep an eye out
She then ran out of the room.
Julia: so she really tormented you?
Me: yep, though I have to thank her for one thing, without the abuse I probably wouldn't have figured out my transformation semblance
Julia: hey Y/N
Me: yeah Julia?
Julia: let's decorate this bitch
Me: WOO!

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