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I woke up in a room with one light hanging from the ceiling.
Me: is this purgatory?
Blake: nope, you and me escaped, I had to get help and well, a person here helped us
Me: who is it?
Blake: a guy named Steve, he's one of those characters that won't be in another chapter if no one is fond of him, this is his bunker....he's probably the best thing if you like sheer stupidity
Me: I'm afraid to meet him
Blake: apparently he knows you
A door opened.
Steve: Y/N it's been ages.
Me: oh it's him, Steve, how did you survive the Grimm attack
Steve: I did?
Me: yes Steve, you're here right now talking to me, do you understand what's going on here?
Steve:......Y/N it's been ages
Me: ugh....
Blake: do you have any weapons Steve?
Me: don't ask him about weapons....
Steve: I have's pretty
Me: we know Steve, you love your weapons
Blake: wait I don't know
Me: please don't get him going
Steve:.....Y/N it's been ages
Blake: listen, Steve and I came up with a plan
Me: what does it involve
Blake: cannons
Me: am I getting fired out of a cannon?
Blake: how'd you guess
I pointed my thumb over at Steve.
Steve: I want a girlfriend
Blake: ah, ready
Me: he stays here
Blake: I can try, but we need to save our friends
Me: is Yang on that boat....because I have a different plan that doesn't involve Steve firing me out of a cannon
Blake: what is it?
Me: can't I become that giant behemoth thing, or COTN
Blake: still don't have a name for it?
Me: nope.....I'm gonna transform for a stealth swim.
Blake: no offense, but that plan is stupid, they'll see a a giant sea monster
Me: you're right...I guess I'll figure something out.
I ran out the bunker and dived into the ocean, not to far from the bunker. I then held my breath and dived to as far as I could go, then transforming.
3rd POV

(All credit goes to Artist)Y/N finished transforming into a croc like creature, he camouflaged into the water around, making himself near invisible to those above water

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(All credit goes to Artist)
Y/N finished transforming into a croc like creature, he camouflaged into the water around, making himself near invisible to those above water. He looked towards the boat and readied himself. He then launched, breaking the sound barrier within a few seconds.
Blake: he's making it.....
Steve: Barracuda
Blake: alright....launch me
He walked up behind the cannon and patted in.
Steve: in
Blake climbed in and Steve pulled the wick, sending her flying towards the boat. Y/N made it to the boat and climbed up its sides, the crew was up top, waiting for anything. Blake landed right behind the steering wheel, and Y/N finally climbed up. Arriana's crew pulled out revolvers and rapiers.
Y/N: noditpeR eht fo htarw eht reffus lliw uoY
Blake: surrender now if you don't want to die.....again
There was the sound of cannon fire as Steve flew over the ship.
Steve: Wheeeeeeeeee*splash*
He landed in the water.
Blake: this new character is going to be a big mistake
Arriana's crew ran towards Blake, firing their weapons at her. Y/N went down to the Captain's cabin, where Arriana was.
Y/N broke through the door and growled. Arriana was with Julia, who was playing the guitar in a soft vibe, looks like she already gave her a job.
Arriana: ah Y/N, it's been a while, how are the cannonball sounds? I didn't want them to hit you.
Y/N: ?!sdneirf ym s'erehW !?gnaY s'erehW
Arriana: well they're safe, and as you can see Julia is right here, they'll go free....if you marry my Y/N, say yes, there'll be a big ceremony, and they go off scot free. What do you say
Y/N pounced at her and put her against the wall.
Arriana: oh a fighter, I like that
She punched Y/N in the stomach, making him fly into the desk. He got back up and hissed. Arriana began laughing at him
Arriana: you're so cute

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