Armada Battle

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3rd POV
Y/N and Yang were walking but were interrupted by a cannon ball, hitting Y/N into a wall.
Yang: Y/N!
Y/N: get to safety....I got this, run and don't look back
He was hit with another cannon ball. Yang ran but she had other plans, she was going to get help. Y/N transformed into COTN and flew over to the firing ships.

Lieutenant: is that a bat?Y/N dived towards the boat, using his hearing instead of trying to use his sight, and started firing small red lasers, about as long as a steak knife and as wide as a dime

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Lieutenant: is that a bat?
Y/N dived towards the boat, using his hearing instead of trying to use his sight, and started firing small red lasers, about as long as a steak knife and as wide as a dime. He fired them, blasting one of the cannons, he then flew quickly above the cannons.
Y/N: !thgin eht nwo I
He dive bombed to the same boat and blasted it again, it was like a jet flyby.
Arriana: aw, he thinks he can take out one of our armada ships, well he doesn't know what's coming.
There were 8 of them and they all began firing, all besides the biggest one. The one Arriana was on. Y/N was dodging the cannonballs like they were nothing.
Lieutenant: launch the bombs!
They lit bombs and used a catapult to launch them, making them explode in midair, making them much harder to dodge. One of them made a direct hit and sent Y/N flying into the ocean.
Lieutenant: good job men, let's retrieve the body.
Arriana: tell me, why is the green blip getting bigger on your screen?
The lieutenant looked at it and saw it was dramatically getting bigger, then it started circling fast.
Arriana: oh I'm so excited
One of the armada ships was hit hard and exploded immediately.
Lieutenant: what is that thing?
It went over to the second largest ship, the one in the front, and it started to rise. The men and women on the boat looked up in fear as a behemoth was towering over them. The behemoth then looked down at the ship and gave an almost sinister smile.

Crew guy: RUN!The behemoth roared and it slammed its giant hand into the ship like it was nothing

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Crew guy: RUN!
The behemoth roared and it slammed its giant hand into the ship like it was nothing.
Arriana: maybe he'll rock my world
The behemoth looked at the survivors on pieces of wood. It then lifted its hand again and slammed it on a few of the survivors. It then roared loudly, creating power outages through Vale, even Beacon.

Yang made it back to Beacon right when all the power turned off. She quickly ran to her dorm.
Yang: Y/N is fighting, he needs help
Weiss: what was that noise?
Yang: I wish I could tell you, just assume it's Y/N and let's go
Blake: look out the window
They did and they saw a behemoth growling and slamming down on another boat. It then went down face first with its mouth open, slamming into a group of survivors. The ships began firing explosives at the beast, making it roar in annoyance. Arriana walked out to see the beast.
Arriana: ah, such beauty, oh Y/N, down here
Lieutenant: what are you doing!?
The beast looked over at the giant ship and bent down to look at Arriana.
Arriana: do you remember who I am?
Y/N (with a world serpent voice):  sirE ekil dnuos llits.....anairrA
Arriana: ah, I'm glad to hear you say that
Yang was on the dock and she heard Y/N's booming new voice.
Yang: Y/N!!
The beast looked over at Yang and started moving. One of the other ships shot the behemoth in the back, putting it in a more pissy mood. From the water below the ship that shot it, a tentacle came out of the water and slammed the ship, leaving no survivors.
The beast then roared into the sky, it did the opposite from before and it brought power back to Vale.
Weiss: is it me or is Y/N behaving differently with this form?
Ruby: what do you mean?
Weiss: I can't put my finger on it
Blake: this transformation is running on instinct, it hunts, it kills, and it does it with no guilt whatsoever
Ruby: and why should we listen to you?
She pulled off her bow revealing her cat ears.
Ruby: that's a good argument
Yang: I don't buy it until you apologize
Blake: listen, I've been doing some thinking, I should, but I don't he'll listen
Yang: if you spoke from the heart he may.....listen
The behemoth's face was a few yards from the girls who all looked at its teeth. It looked over at Yang and breathed at her.
The Armada started moving away.
Arriana: hopefully we'll meet on better terms Y/N.
Yang walked closer to the behemoth and her hand on its face.
Yang: hey Y/ are you
It then transformed back into Y/N who was a few feet above the dock
Y/N: shit
He fell and slammed his head on the side of the dock, falling into the water.

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