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I made it back to the bullhead
Yang: Y/N!
I waved to her with a little smile. Then from the trees I heard female laughter. I put my hand on my sword and was ready to take it out
?????: aw....little boy thinks he can use a sword....hahahaha
Ruby: Y/N?
Me: stay on the bullhead!
????: so demanding, I don't think it suits you....
Me: and who and where the hell are you?
??????: that's what I like about you Y/N, you cut right to the chase, I mean look at the Belladonna household, you destroyed it in your fit of rage, what do you call the beast......Yasei? But to fill you in, I am Arriana.
Me: yourself
Arriana: as you wish little boy
She came out of the trees and landed right in front of me, she was pale as snow, she was wearing all black, wearing black nylons, red lipstick and brunette hair with green tips at each end.
Me: well.....I wasn't expecting you to comply
Arriana: I normally don't, but you certainly interest me, how does one that lost everything, come to Beacon and already have a horde of females as his friends
Me: I don't know, luck I guess?
Arriana: that's cute
Me: you know you sound a lot like Eris from that Sinbad movie
Arriana: that's a nice compliment Y/N
Me: I have some ways with the ladies
Arriana: not so much with Faunus girls it seems
3rd POV
Blake put her head up a little bit when she heard this mysterious woman mention Faunus.
Arriana: and young Y/N....that nothing compared to this!
An aura appeared over her hand, revealing a sword that had a blade about 8 feet long.
Y/N: that's a big sword
Arriana: I believe you boys say something like "that's what she said"
Y/N: can I assume you're good?
Arriana began laughing maniacally
Y/N: I'll take that as a no
Arriana: you're a cute kid Y/N, I like you a lot, visit me sometime, the door is open for you
Y/N: I'm getting a lot of weird vibes from you
Arriana: I'll see you around real soon Y/N
Glynda was walking back, then she saw a glimpse of Arriana
Glynda: no
Arriana then surrounded herself with smoke and then disappeared.
Y/N: what the fuck just happened?
Julia: besides Yang having competition
Yang: Julia!
Glynda walked over and got into the bullhead.
Glynda: stay away from her, she's bad news for everyone
Y/N: she seemed nice
Everyone was in the bullhead, Cardin however was on a stretcher.
Y/N: damn I screwed him up good
Yang: what did you do to the guy?
Y/N: I crushed him
Yang: slowly?
Y/N: oh yes
Yang: do tell more
Y/N: I transformed into a giant monster with fur, I jumped up and I crushed him
Weiss: what made you think that was a good idea?
Y/N: he threw honey at me and then opened a case of wasps that made their way toward me, I'm allergic
Ruby: you're allergic? When was the first time you found out?
Y/N: let me see, Blake when did you throw that hive at me?
She was quiet and looked away.
Y/N: Hey Jaune.
Jaune: Yeah Y/N
Y/N: don't stick around with guys like Cardin, or you'll end up in a stretcher with atleast 3 broken ribs and other things.
Jaune: good plan....what are you going to name the beast that you turned into?
Y/N: I don't know why....but Treast is sticking with me
Ruby: Treast?
Y/N: well the antlers reminded me of tree branches, and I was a beast, so Treast
Weiss: I mean it could be better
Y/N: I haven't been known for good names, I mean Crab Man? I use whatever comes to mind, regardless of bad name or not
Weiss: neither have I
Ruby: we all have been through that stage
Julia: well today was tough I can easily say that. Ms. Goodwitch, can I use the stage, a free show with singing
Glynda: alright, but no later than 11
Julia: deal

What Evil Brings (abused reader X RWBY Female) (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now