Attack on Beacon

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3rd POV
Y/N was in his dorm with every member of RWBY and Julia. He was holding an ice pack to his head after smacking his head on the dock.
Yang: what was that thing?
Y/N: you mean the thing I turned into?
Everyone shook their heads yes.
Y/N: I don't know, but I think it needs a name....Behemoth is the only thing coming to me right now
Blake: why couldn't you control it?
Everyone looked at her.
Ruby: I'm pretty sure he was controlling it
Blake: he ate survivors of the boats he destroyed
Y/N: What!?
Blake: not only that but it looked like a creature acting on instinct instead of a 17 year old controlling it
Y/N: damn....
????: they weren't people
A crow broke through a window and out the door. Then Qrow walking in with a flask.
She ran up and hugged Qrow and he hugged her as well.
Ruby: did you miss me!?
He then patted her head.
Yang: so they weren't people?
Qrow: they were people turned into these things, well I've been studying them for a bit and once they die that is when their soul is released. Y/N killing them has not only destroyed the body but freed their soul....though they normally fly up when the-
Y/N began choking and one after another, souls starting spouting out of his mouth.
Qrow: found them
They stopped coming out and Y/N went to the floor catching his breath.
Weiss: next time you shouldn't eat them
Y/N: that's a nice call Weiss thanks.
Blake: Y/N....I want to speak with you alone.
Everyone looked at Blake, then to Y/N.
Y/N: you got five minutes Blake.
Everyone left the dorm and Blake sat down.
Blake: I've been thinking a lot.....and I want to.....apologize.....I'm sorry for what I did......I know you probably won't forgive me for what I did to you for those years....but from the bottom of my heart....I'm sorry
Y/N: *sigh* I'll think about it
From the window a cannon ball shot through the window, hitting Y/N through the door. The girls surrounded him.
Y/N: I am in a lot of pain
They looked at the window to see the ships. Arriana was on the ship.
Arriana: I didn't want you to hit Y/N!
Lieutenant: why do you want him, he killed so many of us
Arriana: he will be my husband, it would be an honor to marry a Demi Goddess
Lieutenant: you want to marry this guy?!
Arriana: correct, go in, bring me him and everyone who has importance in this show
Lieutenant: yes ma'am
They phased away and were at the front door of Beacon. 100 of Arriana's army members went into Beacon. Meanwhile Y/N got the cannonball off him. There were men down the hallway.
Julia: Y/N think of something
Y/N: I have an Idea, time for Quilton
Y/N transformed into the same creature Ruby saw for the first time.

Julia: Y/N think of somethingY/N: I have an Idea, time for QuiltonY/N transformed into the same creature Ruby saw for the first time

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Y/N walked towards them and shot a bunch of quills at them, making their souls free.
Lieutenant: WOAH!
Y/N grinned and walked towards the Lieutenant.
Lieutenant: not today
He pulled out a grenade launcher and blasted Y/N back. Y/N got up only to be gunned down with a pump action shot gun. He had no time to attack.
Lieutenant: lay down scumbag
He shot Y/N again, putting him to the ground, transforming back and unable to move.
Blake jumped up and kicked the Lieutenant in the throat. She then grabbed Y/N's ankle and threw him out the window.
Lieutenant: how cute, but that won't save him
Blake: bring it on!
Lieutenant pulled out a gun, but Blake quickly rolled out of the way and put the window. Everyone else was captured, their semblance's were nullified thanks to special made bullets, Yang can't use her strength, Weiss can't use her Glyphs, the list goes on. The only ones to escape were Y/N and Blake.

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