Part 6

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Some sounds wake me up, warning beeps are sounding off all through my ship, shit, quickly running back to the bridge I slip into the seat and scan my counsel. The alarm is beeping because I am low on gas. If I don't land soon I will end up just drifting through space until my oxygen runs out. Not a good scenario, pulling up my map I charter a course to the nearest planet for fuel.

I don't know why I am low on fuel, I should have been able to go at least two days before hitting half tank yet, but something is wrong and I am determined to find out. I call out to the docking port to the nearest planet and am confirmed for landing instantly. It's one of the rottener planets, similar to Johndo 3 only a lot more criminals, I will have to be careful even fueling up here.

Once landed I quickly dock and speak with the mechanics on site. "Where is the fuel truck?" I ask once I find someone for help.

"Round back missy, have ta do it yer self." He spit unceremoniously on the ground at my feet before turning his back on me and going a different direction. He took one look at my ship and ended up following me.

"I can do it myself don't worry." I grumbled at the man following me.

"It ain't that yuh can't do it, yer ship is leakin. Don't want a mess on muh runway." He pointed to the spot where sure enough my gasoline has been leaking out one spot on the bottom of the gas tank. Quickly marching over I inspect the hole. It's a small hole about the size of a blade and it clearly shows clean lines meaning someone punctured the tank on purpose.

"Hey buddy, how much to fix the hole in my tank?" scowling I press two fingers across the hole, shockingly its very thin making it less likely to have been a dagger. But I am no weapons expert so I am not sure what the cause was. But I do know it was that rat bastard trying to trip me up.

"I gots some panels and could fix er up fer say, 200 credits." The grease monkey rubbed his chin in thought, as soon as he said 200 credits my fists clenched. Leave it to Jork to leave me stranded on a planet full of friggin thieves. 200 credits could buy a whole new interior for the ship, the fix is maybe worth $30 credits at the most.

This is not a good thing, i don't have enough credits to be able to fix the ship and stay overnight while they fix it. I didn't plan for anything to go wrong, it was supposed to be a quiet trip but that creepy ass hole has made life miserable already. Hopefully he isn't lurking around anywhere waiting for me to be vulnerable.

"No thanks, I'll figure something out." With a shrug he strode away like he didn't just try and rob me blind. Heading back onto the ship I go into my cubby hole full of tools and fluids for the ship, that is one thing I made sure I knew, how to fix my own shit. Normally I had money and tools but it's like fate wanted me to be an idiot and stay here.

Finding the expanding foam, I get to work on the tiny hole, using the applicator I put some inside the hole and pull it out letting it seal. Using the putty knife, I smooth it down hoping that it seals around and inside the hole so I can fuel up. It will last me until I get home at least. Now I have to sit for 12 hours for that to dry so I walk down the street to the motel sign I saw to rent a room.

Getting into the hotel room I rented, for again double the amount it should be, I set my bags down on the table as the floor was stained and looked gross. The bedding which looked like it should be a white color was gray and the whole area had a nasty smell to it. But it will work for my needs now.

Pulling out my tablet I decide I need to let my parents know where I am and what is happening, I need to be smart when it comes to dealing with Jork and his connections. Something tells me this is only the beginning, I am the fly and he is the spider so my job is to make sure I don't get caught in his web.

A moment later my father's face fills the screen, he is sitting in his office with a glass of alcohol. This means he just finished business and I hope against all hope that he is not with Morin.

"Elizabeth? Is everything okay you never call." His voice is confused, his brows scrunched to prove this factor.

"Well it's okay for now but I've run into a bit of an altercation and I've read enough horror novels to know that I need to tell someone something. My last delivery ended up being to Jork Mandal...." A loud growl came from the person sitting with my dad and instantly I knew it was Morin. My dad's face backed away and Morin's pissed off blue face filled the screen.

"You went to see that SCUM personally? What were you thinking? Where are you I am coming to get you? You're a simple delivery company with a team of ONE, what the hell were you thinking?" he ranted and raved a bit longer before my dad put a hand on his shoulder to calm him down. Thankful for that I ignored his outburst and continued.

"The parcel was listed under Mandal not Jork so I didn't know, but anyway, he offered me a place as his bed slave," another growl from Morin, "so I told him I was engaged. He wasn't the least bit deterred because he then pointed out I don't have a ring, or a shadow where my ring should be. He then threatened me by saying he always gets what he wants and he wants me and will use his vast connections to get me. Needless to say, somehow my gas tank was punctured and I am stuck on Penale paying triple the amount for a dive bomb hotel room. I fixed the tank but it takes twelve hours to dry," I went through the whole situation. I heard footsteps and my mom showed behind my dad.

"Oh, honey get out of there as fast as possible. Please." She begged.

"Trust me, I wish I could. But if I don't let the expanding foam dry I might spring a leak. The smart thing is to sit here and wait. Yes, it gives him a chance to find me but what other options do I have? Crash landing doesn't sound like a good one." Morin speaks up, less angry then previously.

"I will be there within that twelve-hour window my darling. I do not want you sitting alone or traveling alone again." With the finality in his voice I heard his footsteps leave and the office door close.

"I don't care what either of you has to say, that right there was romantic. Proves he loves you my darling stubborn daughter." My mom has her hands on her chest as she stares after the man holding my future in his palms. I always knew my opinion never mattered but him love me? That isn't the case, he is marrying me out of convenience and so he has a prize on his arm.

"Be safe Elizabeth. Don't let anyone in your room and wait for Morin. Keep us informed. We love you, even if you don't believe it." With that dad disconnected the call before I could reply, even if you don't believe it that hurt. Yes, I was upset with them for forcing the marriage but I don't hate them.

I decided that it was time to try and get some sleep before the twelve hours were up, be damned if I was going to let Morin interrupt my voyage. I am determined to get home without his assistance, if he wanted to tag along he could but I will do it myself. With that resolve I decided a quick shower was in order, the bathroom was the cleanest part of the room.

Stripping out of my clothes I folded them on the counter, unfortunately I have no choice but to wear the same clothes over again as the clean ones are on the ship and I am not going out there until it's time to fuel and leave. Starting the water, I let it run a few minutes to heat up, as I'm waiting I hear something out of place. As I turn around something is placed over my mouth and nose. Before I could even swing my arm back to try and knock my assailant down my vision blurs and darkness consumes me.

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