Part 7

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I start to feel consciousness returning to me slowly, the throbbing in my head increasing while the dryness in my mouth causes me to cough. I peeled my eyes open, they felt gritty and dry as well. The room was dark so I couldn't see where I laid but the bed was soft and smelled good, it was masculine but at the same time had a spicy edge to it.


I lay in the dark waiting for the pounding in my head to cease, trying to ease the dryness in my mouth by licking my lips. If this was Morin's idea of a joke I was going to kill that bastard, then again, his smell is familiar this scent is different. The memory of the scent is tickling at my mind but I can't place where I know it from.

Movement in the far corner of the room draws my attention, the shadows move covering whoever it is. My throat is to dry to speak so I just sit silently watching the darkness. A shiver runs down my spine and I start to feel a slight panic creeping over me, I don't know where I am I don't remember what happened to me and now I am sitting watching shadows.

I reach down to where my pants should be for a knife, then I realize I was about to shower when something happened to me meaning I was naked, trying to remember what happened to me causes my head to throb even harder. It was all a blur but I do remember a funky smell before things went black.

"Drink." A deep voice rumbled beside me, causing me to jump and scramble away. In my haste to get away my legs didn't function properly so I ended up falling onto the floor with a loud thump. I swear beds don't like me.

"Shit!" I cursed at the pain in my naked ass from hitting the cold hardwood floor. Standing quickly, I look at the bed but see nothing again. Whoever was in the room with me has moved back into the shadows where I can't see them. What if they could see in the dark, Morin can see better in the dark then she can, something in her mind says this is not Morin.

Scanning the darkness for any clue as to where the mystery man is hiding its silent again, creepily silent. Stepping back words arms wrap around my waist, and another around my mouth. The body behind me is huge and the spicy smell envelopes me as I can feel all the hard planes of muscle on the being. In my mind I know I need to be still, but my body didn't want to cooperate. Trying to maneuver my body to get the upper hand wasn't working. His large cock pressed up against my lower back, whoever this male was he was tall and huge.

"Stop moving Precious. Unless you're already willing for me to fill you completely." His seductive whisper causing fear to course through my body instead of delight. It was Jork Mandal holding me, while I was naked. It was then that his scent reminded me of earlier in his office when he offered me to be his little bed slave.

Throwing my body forward I broke his hold on me and jumped into the bed, feeling the blankets, I wrapped my body as tight as possible and continued off the other side of the bed. My heart pounding loud in my ears, raging against the throbbing of a headache I stand on the other side of the bed wrapped in a blanket panting in fear.

"What the fuck?" I cursed out noticing he was gone, he no longer stood across the room from me. I frantically scanned the room, trying to find him again. I don't want him touching me.

"Precious, you wound me." His hot breath tickled my neck, I turn quickly and try to catch him but he's gone. Then I hear his voice from the left.

"You are now mine, I told you I always get what I want." Silence again. I was really starting to panic now, he was everywhere and I was vulnerable. He managed to strand me, kidnap me and now he torments me.

"Let me go. My fiancée will come for me." I stated, sounding more confident then I felt.

"Oh yes, your work-related fiancée. The famous Morin Splex of the Splex Movers Inc, the playboy of the galaxy. The alien everyone wants to avoid yet everyone wants to be. I've done my research on your future husband my Precious. I am positive that I am doing him a favor in removing you from his life. Once a whore, always a whore." He was everywhere, his voice echoed everywhere sending my panic over the edge.

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