Part 1

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The future is a wonderous thing, the original Earth has not been habitable for over three centuries, humanity had no choice but turn to the large universe for another planet to call home. Back in the year 2053 an asteroid hit the earth, causing a toxic gas to slowly release around the world. It took two years for Earth to become a dead planet and another six months for the air to start killing people.

After a worldwide debate it was decided to try and colonize the Red Dwarf Stars which is the second closest inhabitable planet from Earth. It is now the year 2356 and the whole solar system has multiple universes, different Martian species and an intergalactic trading area.

Being born of the new Earth on one of the many Red Dwarf Stars I only have the records from the Elders showing what the old Earth was like and what happened and the history lessons are of the forming of the new planet we currently inhabit. Jobs are plenty these days as there is lots of cargo transport jobs that can range from minor and minimal pay to major with maximum pay. The more dangerous the job the more money.

My parents own a large plantation which helps grow natural foods for most of the stores around the system. In other words, they are glorified farmers, who if I may say so myself, have the best fruits and veggies in the solar system. But being the wealthy people that they are, they are trying to push me into an arranged marriage that will benefit the farm and the shipment of our products. The only problem with their arranged marriage is that I don't want it.

I am a pilot of my own ship, it's a small vessel so it's easier to dock without being noticed, and it's also faster than most other carrier vessels which helps keep away from space pirates. I have my own life, my own money, my own business and to be honest I was never very good with growing food. I don't have the same green thumb that my parents do. Unfortunately, my parents could only have one child, so trying to convince them to leave me alone has been disastrous.

The arranged marriage is between myself and the son of the company that transports our produce around the galaxy. They are the top tier business in deliveries, their company has been listed as the largest known company all over the multiple galaxies. They have been doing business with my family since my ancestors have helped create grown goods on the new Earth way back hundreds of years ago.

Even after all those years, this is the first time they have requested any kind of marriage to symbolize the unity of our two businesses. I can't imagine what my parents could get out of this marriage except cheaper shipping prices because I doubt the Kotep race would part with any portion of their company. Kotep's are known for being stingy with their money, making this certain family's net worth over $600 billion.

The lights on the ship start flashing, seconds later the alarms start blaring which jars me awake from my peaceful slumber. I quickly jump out of bed, successfully tangling myself in the sheets and falling in one large lump on the floor. Cussing enough to make a sailor proud I try to untangle myself while hopping on one foot out the door, dragging the sheets into the hallway with me.

After finally untangling myself I throw my half naked ass into the pilots seat and take a look around when I should see the darkness of space, all I do see is the greys of another ship trying to dock with me. Quickly I slip open my COMM's and hail the large cargo ship in front of me.

"This is Captain Elizabeth Harper of the Nova 3, denying permission to dock. What is your reasoning?" I holler over the system hoping they don't switch to visual. I am currently sitting in a tank top and panties as they woke me from my sleep. They may not get a look at my undies but a tank top and no bra is NOT proper clothing for a captain.

"Good Morning Captain Elizabeth, I am Admiral Conners of the Navy Fleet. We are requesting permission to dock for a search of illegal materials. It has been brought to our attention that you were previously docked on Stellar Unit 201 for shipment. Please allow docking." A man as pleasant as a peach came over and responded to my denial.

Realizing that he was a part of the Navy Fleet I couldn't deny them docking with me unless I wanted to be either blasted into pieces or arrested. Confirming docking procedures and letting it auto dock I quickly run back to my room, dragging the sheet I was previously tangled with back to my bed, so I can put on appropriate clothes.

I quickly throw on my captain's jacket over my tank top, pulling on a regular pair of jeans and my combat boots, I run a brush through my hair and sprits on some perfume to hide the fact that I need a shower this morning. Rushing back to the bridge I arrive just in time for my doors to open, revealing a young man around my age and five guards.

"Good morning Admiral Conners." I extend my hand in a friendly fashion, he takes a look around my small ship and with a slight nod he shakes my hand.

"Good morning Captain, I do apologize for any grief caused by attempting to dock but you were not answering your COMMS." His face remains stoic, not showing me any insight on what he is thinking.

"Yes, my apologies sir. I was actually still sleeping, it was a very late night when leaving Stellar Unit 201." I rub the back of my neck sheepishly.

"Yes well, we had an escaped convict jump planet by one of the many ships docked back on Stellar Unit 201 and with your ship and registry being so small, you slipped through the cracks before a final search could be performed. I have three men to perform a quick sweep of your ship and we will be on our way." He waved the two men forward before I could answer so I stepped sideways and motioned for them to go in.

As I stand there I randomly think back to my bedroom, did I have any dirty clothes or even worse, any dirty underwear laying around? No I don't think so. Well hopefully not anyways.

"How long have you been a pilot if you don't mind me asking?" the Admiral asked, breaking the silence, he looked genuinely interested.

"I have been flying with my father as long as I can remember but I have been on my own with this ship for the last three years. I got my pilots license when I turned 19 and I am 22 now." I was proud of my age as most pilots aren't well known until their late twenties. He smiled at me, almost making himself look younger.

"I had wondered how old you were, didn't think you were that young since you own your own ship though. Your six years my junior." He smiled kindly, his eyes dancing in amusement, probably from the shocked look that took over my face.

"Wow and here I didn't peg you for being older than 24." I blushed as I chuckled. His laughter joined mine sounding care free and happy. He seemed like he enjoyed his position. His men all came back, clearing my ship.

"Well thank you for allowing us to do our job Captain Elizabeth, please be cautions as there are some dangerous people out there. If you ever need anything here is my card, I am but a call away fi you run into danger." With a wink and a salute, him and his men leave my ship and disengage from my hall. My auto pilot kicks in again and I am back on track headed home.

It is the dreaded family night supper tonight, the mandatory one my mom created as an excuse to get me home without fail. I love my parents, I truly do, but I will not easily be forced into a marriage that I don't want, especially when it means losing my independence and ship. After checking that I am still on course and how long I have left I decide to lay back down for a bit, I still feel groggy for how crappy my wakeup call was.

My Space Arranged MarriageWhere stories live. Discover now