Part 10

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**** Just a small authors note here, this is the final chapter and it is shorter than the rest of the chapters. I am sorry for that but I thought this was the best way to end everything. Any criticism is welcome if there is anything to change let me know. Please vote for every chapter if you got a moment!! Means the world to me! Thanks all!!****

If you would have asked me four years ago if waking up next to Morin and having him staring at me would be creepy I would have said hell yeah drop that mother effer to the ground. But now, I've been living that reality for the past four years and every day my heart flutters at the complete adoration that man has for me. His eyes and soft facial expression says exactly how much he loves me.

"Good morning love." He says as he kisses my cheek, I smile back at him loving the sound of his deep, rumbling morning voice.

"Good morning to you to handsome, how long have you been... Urp." I quickly get up and dash into the bathroom to throw up. My stomach is just churning as I hurl the contents of my stomach into the toilet. Morin is right beside me, rubbing my back as I start to dry heave. Feeling like I'm done I flush and go to stand up but a dizzy spell hits and Morin is quick to wrap arms around me to steady me.

"Are you okay my love?" he questions, once the spinning quits I nod. Rinsing my mouth out with water I head back to bed with help. Once on the bed I don't bother covering up because I feel warm. Wrapping his arms around my large pregnant belly Morin settles beside me.

"Can you call one of the maids to bring some saltine crackers and a bottle of water please?" he nods and makes his way out the door. Lying in bed I keep getting the feeling that its hot in here, I am sweating profusely. Stripping down to nothing I sprawl out on be bed fanning my face, my skin is cold to touch but I am sweating.

"Are you okay my love?" Morin comes back looking at me like I've lost my mind.

"It's hot in here, I am just dying but my skin is cold. I think I have a fever." He shakes his head as he goes over to the clothing machine and presses some buttons. A large fuzzy night gown is produced, long sleeves and down to the floor.

"Best remedy for a fever is to sweat it out love. Drink lots of water and sweat." He tenderly helps me into the clothes before wrapping my favorite fuzzy blanket around my shoulders. The maids come in with a bottle of water and my crackers.

"T-t-th-hank yo-u-u-u." I stutter out as my teeth chatter.

"Please contact Mr. and Mrs. Harper at their home, let them know that Elizabeth has caught a fever, call the family physician as well. Also, please bring multiple bottles of water in a chilled tub to keep them cool. Miss Elizabeth will need lots of liquids to keep her hydrated." With a bow the maids leave in different directions to do what Morin has asked.

Morin crawled into bed with me and held me in his lap as he leaned up against the head board of the bed. I snuggled in between his legs as he held me tightly as I am wrapped in blankets. My skin warms up but I am still sweating and feel like I am dying.

"Sweetheart do you know what this means?" Morin asks as he plays with my wedding ring which matches his plain silver band around his finger. Shaking my head, I just lean back into his body feeling my body tense up, then relax. Pressing feather kisses along my knuckles he is smiling ear to ear.

"My love what is today's date?" he asks, making me wrack my brain to remember. Trying to remember what day of the week it was is difficult enough let alone the whole date. A large pain tenses up my belly and right then and there I realize what date it is, my due date.

"Our baby. Does this fever mean our baby is coming?" I turn as far in his arms to look in his face. He smiles and pecks my nose, then my cheek and nips at my earlobe.

"Yes darling, our baby is starting the birthing process. I don't know why it always starts with a fever but it does." I squeal out my excitement as my parents and the doctor rush into the room like the house is on fire.

"Where would you like to give birth Mrs Splex? Your choices are the medical room or here on your bed." The doctor asks as he puts his bag on the table.

"Here please." I smile, he nods at me and starts getting ready for the birth.

"I can't wait to be a Grandma, oh Morin I also called your parents. They will be here shortly as well." Morin thanked my mother as a scream tore from my lips, caused by a large pain in my belly. Morins parents arrive soon after and just like that life is born surrounded by family and a forced arraigned marriage turns out to be the best thing to happen to little ole me.

"I'm still not giving up my business Morin." I heave out between contractions. This causes him to smile and press a kiss to my temple.

"I know my love, I know." He states proudly from beside my bed.

"IT'S A BOY!" the doctor hollers out to the room full of family, surrounded by love after a long 18 hour Labour. Momma and baby are healthy and strong, the true mate bond between lovers is strong and this is the end of our story!!!

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