Better With You

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Author's Note:

Lee Jeno is a troublemaker and a loner with no regards with the people around him. No matter how grave his offenses were, he always only gets detention. Why though? And why is Na Jaemin, everyone's friend at school and a happy-go-lucky student, in detention too?


It isn’t really a surprise to see Lee Jeno during detention. It can be because of variety of reasons; whether it’s because of consecutive days of being either late or absent, sleeping in class, causing a ruckus in the cafeteria, he’s done it all. It’s a miracle that he’s passing his classes. And now Jeno has been sent to detention for fighting a classmate.

But it is a surprise to see Na Jaemin the top-student in their school. No one knows why he’s sent there. Whether it’s just a mere coincidence or fate, only he and Jeno are in detention.
“You’re gonna stay for two hours, or until we decide what other punishment will appropriate for the both of you.” The teacher watching them says as she leaves the room.

Jaemin groans and slumps his head on the table while Jeno is busy looking at him, looking confused as to why the top-student is here in detention.
“Hey.” Jeno calls the person seated next to him.
Jaemin turns his head without raising it up and looks at his classmate. “What?”
“Why are you here?” Jeno asks.
Jaemin groans and hides his face again. “I don’t want to answer that question.”

Jeno doesn’t care that much as to why he’s classmate is here so he too, slumps his head on the chair. 30 minutes before their time is up the teacher returns to the room.
“Okay, we have decided your punishment.” The teacher stands in the middle of the two. “For a month, you two will be cleaning the music room, including the instruments and the equipment used by the teacher and her students.”

Jaemin sluggishly walks out of the room. He doesn’t regret what he did but doesn’t change the fact the he gets punished unjustly. They both did.
“Hey Jaemin?” Jeno calls him again. “Since we do live next to each other, do you want to walk together?”
Jaemin’s frown turns upside down, into the most beautiful smile that the other boy has seen. “Sure.” They begin to walk out of the school. “I never got to thank you for protecting me. I’m really sorry to get you in trouble.”
“It’s no problem. I’m used to getting punished anyways.” Jeno shrugs. “Do you need help with that?” eyeing the bunch of books the other was carrying.
Jaemin shyly smiles and nods. “Thanks.”

They didn’t really talk on their way home. It’s the comfortable kind of silence for Jaemin and Jeno. It’s something that Jeno treasures and Jaemin respected. Jeno sends the latter by his house’s door.
“Jeno.” Jaemin finally finds the courage to say. “Do you want to go for some ice cream now?”
Jeno looks around their neighborhood and smiles. “Sure, why not.”

They sit on Jaemin’s couch, trying to watch something on the tv. But their concentration is shit since all they end up looking at is each other.
“Why did that kid try to punch you?” Jeno finally asks as he finishes his bowl.
Jaemin chokes on his last bite. “You go straight to the point, don’t you?”
“I just don’t like bullshit.” Jeno shrugs. “Well?”
Jaemin takes a deep breath before answering. “Well… I heard him saying shitty stuff about you. I didn’t like what I heard so I approached hi.”
Jeno looks at him, surprised. “Why did you do that? It’s not like we’re friends.”
“Just because…” Jaemin shrugs, hiding his blushing cheeks by turning his head away. “Why did you save me anyway?”
Unable to answer, Jeno suddenly stands up. “It’s getting late. I should go.”
“Of course.” Jaemin stands up as well. “But before you do, can I ask you something?” the boy nods. “Would you like to join me and my friends at lunch tomorrow?”
This time Jeno breaks out into that heart-stopping smile that made his eyes disappear. “I’ll think about it.”

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