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It was almost finals time for Luna and this meant that she had to study a lot. It was hard for her to find a quiet place. It was hard to focus when her neigbours had their music blasting. She finally decided that the best place to study was the library.

It turned out that it was the best decision she ever made. She didn't get interrupted at all. She was studying for hours and she lost track of time in the end.

She was all caught up in her books that she didn't notice it was already 3 am. She didn't stop studying though. She wanted to finish this chapter so she could start a new one later that day. Her eyes were getting tired, so she decided to get something out of the vending machine that was right outside of the library.

She felt the exhaustion catching up on her but no matter what, she was going to finish this chapter now. When she got up to get a snack, she thought she saw a figure. She didn't know what was going on. Was it possible that there was someone else still here? She let go of that thought immediately. Everyone from university is already asleep. There was no way. 

She saw the figure again but this time, she noticed something she didn't before. It looked like this figure was floating. This seemed weird to her so despite her deep fear, she went after the figure. She thought she was getting crazy because there was no way that this figure was real.

After a time she stopped going after it because it seemed pointless and to convince herself that this wasn't real, she said to herself:  "It's 3 am and I'm still in the library studying for finals and I'm losing my grip on reality and I think I just saw a ghost" With that, she grabbed a snack and a drink and went on to continue her studying.

After about half an hour, she couldn't stop herself anymore and she fell asleep. It was nice to finally have her eyes closed.

Unfortunately, footsteps woke her up. It took her a while to see who else was in the library but the person was already approaching her. After a couple of minutes, she saw that it was a guy, she's seen him on her campus before but nothing more than that.

She sleepily asked him when he was close enough to hear her: "What are you doing here so late?"

"I could ask you the same but looking at your books, I assume you're studying here." he had a smirk on his face and it was so damn attractive.

"You didn't answer my question." she saw too tired to find a clever response.

"I had to take my drunk friend to our apartment and I saw the lights here were still on and I wanted to check if everything was okay here." he simply said.

"So you live nearby?" she had no idea why she suddenly wanted to know where he lives.

"Yeah" he looked at her observant. "Don't you think it's time to put your books away and go home?" for a second there, she seemed to have heard a worried tone in his voice but she didn't think any further about it.

"But I'm not done yet" she protested.

"I think you are, señorita" he still had a smirk on his face.

Against her will, she stood up from her chair and decided she bettter get some sleep now.

"Maybe it's better if I accompany to your place because otherwise you'd be lost" he commented, seeing the state of exhaustion she was in. "Just give me your address and I'll bring you."

"It's also nearby, I can walk on my own." she didn't really feel comfortable that he was going with her.

"I'm bringing you wether you like it or not." he didn't want to give up, he was too worried about her.

She realized that he wouldn't let her leave alone so she gave up and told him her address.

"Wait, you live there?" the boy asked when she told him. The only answer he got from her was a confused look. When he saw it, he continued and said: "I live right next door."

"How's that possible?" she asked.

"I don't know but let's go." he put a hand on her back to lead her to the door because she seemed very disorientated.

They walked back to her apartment together. In the middle of going back, she was so tired that she couldn't walk anymore so he decided to carry her back to her place and she fell asleep in his arms.

Luckily, she gave him the keys before she closed her eyes so he could get into her apartment. It took him a while but he was able to carry her inside. He hopelessly looked for her bedroom to make sure she's comfortable. When he didn, he laid her down on the bed but she wouldn't let go. No matter how hard he tried, her hands were around him and she wouldn't loosen her grip. 

There was nothing he could do but lie down next to her and hope she would let go at some point, but he somehow hoped that she wouldn't let go. It was nice being so close to this girl even if he didn't know her that well. He has observed for quite some time though. He saw her once and he couldn't take his eyes off her ever since. He didn't know what was happening to him but he was okay with it. 

Fortunately for him, she didn't let go until later on that morning. He was already awake by then and he decided to leave her alone because as far as he remembers, she has a roommate who would probably have a lot of questions if she saw her neighbour in the bed of her friend so to avoid problems, he left before she woke up. He left the apartment with a smile on his face. He definitely would never forget this night.

The next day, he still had this girl on his mind. He felt the need to talk to her again. He wanted to find the perfecr excuse to do so and he was lucky that he has been observing her for some time now because he knew that he had just one class with her and he also knew she sat in the same seat for the entire semester. So he had the perfect plan.

He got to the classroom as soon as possible so he would be ealier than she, he was the first one to get there. He looked for that one particular seat and went to sit on it and all that was left of the plan is wait for the girl to get here.

Surprisingly enough, she was there before class started. She immediately looked for that one seat but as soon as she spotted it, her smile turned into a frown. A bit angered she headed towards him. He just watched her with a huge smirk on his face.

She said angrily: "I've been sitting in this seat all semester why did you decide to sit in it today"  

"No reason, just thought it would be nice to sit here." he tried to tease her but it didn't seem to work.

"Somehow, I don't believe you." she said with one hand on her waist.

"Why would I lie to you, señorita?" the smirk on his face never faded.

She sighed: "Can I please sit there?" she didn't seem to fall for his game.

He pretended to think for a while and eventually, he answered: "Only if you let me buy you coffee later today"

She hesitantly agreed on his terms when it became clear that it was the only condition he was going to accept.

"Fine, you can buy me coffee." with this answer, he stood up and gestured for her to sit down and without thinking, he went to sit down right next to her. 

When she thought he wasn't looking, a smile appeared on her face. Thinking that this arrangement might not be as bad as she thinks. Suddenly, something came to her mind: "What's your name?" she asked.

"I'm Matteo Balsano and who are you?" he asked returning her smile.

"My name is Luna Valente."

"Well, nice to meet you, Luna Valente." they smiled at each other, knowing that they were going to get along very well.

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