Te quiero confesar , pasa el tiempo y no dejo de pensar

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Matteo wasn't feeling like it today but he eventually gave in. He was going with one of his best friends to a club that just opened around the corner. Lately, he hasn't been wanting to go out but thanks to Ramiro's pleas, he would tonight. He wasn't expecting much. He was going to let his friend flirt with girls and he would be the wingman when needed but that was his entire plan for the night. He didn't feel like dancing or flirting. Which was not what he was used to but something stopped him. He couldn't really explain it.

Ramiro was exited to go and Matteo tried to pretend he was too and his friend didn't seem to suspect anything. The club was in walking distance so they decided to go there on foot. As soon as they arrived, they went to the bar and ordered their first drinks. The first thing Ramiro did once he had his drink was look around to find a girl to flirt with and he seemed to have found one immediately. He didn't say anything and he just walked towards the girl.

Matteo stayed behind and looked around. He stood there alone and after a while, he got bored. Ramiro has been talking to that girl for about half an hour and the conversation didn't seem to end anytime soon. 

He sighed out of boredom and took another sip of his drink. Before, he realized it, a girl was approaching him. She was all smiles and confindence. He only noticed her when she was a few meters away. He wasn't really sure why she approached him but a lot of girls did beforeher so it didn't really surprise him. However, what did surprise was what she did next. She came closer to him full of confidence. Without hesitating, her lips crashed into his and she was kissing him.

It all went too fast for him to grasp what was happening. He only got a glimpse of her but he could tell one thing, she was beautiful. So why should he stop her? Eventually, he kissed her back. The kiss got deeper. Time escaped and it had felt like they were the only ones around. He had to admit, he had never felt like this during a kiss before, not even with his ex-girlfriend. It was weird, yet exciting. Neither of them stopped. The kiss slowly turned into a make-out session. 

He had no idea how all of this happened, everything passed in the blink of an eye. It felt like they were kissing for forever. He didn't want to stop and clearly, she didn't want to either. They didn't feel the need catch a breath. He never saw this coming. After a while, his mind was blank. All he could feel was her lips on his. His mind stopped working. He needed support and luckily, there was a wall close behind them. He put his hands on her waist and slowly stepped backwards to be able to lean on the wall. She let him do this. At some point, their tongues were involved as well. They made out for at least 45 minutes but eventually, they had to get some air. He was the one to pull away first, he didn't want to but he had to. 

Before he even had the chance to get the proper amount of air, she took his hand and she started leading him outside. He didn't know what exactly she was doing but he went with it anyway. 

Slowly, they walked out of the club and she still held his hand. When it was clear that they were moving further away from the club, he started to wonder. Where is she taking him? Before he could think of an answer to that question, they stopped right before an apartment building. He didn't recognize it, he figured that it was her place. At first, he didn't really understand why she brought him here but when he took a minute to think about it, it hit him. He wasn't really sure what to do next. On one hand, he wanted to keep kissing her and spend time with her but on the other hand, he didn't want to take advantage of her. He didn't want to do that to her. 

When he tried to tell her that this might not be a good idea, she shushed him with a peck on his lips and never letting go of his hand, she lead him upstairs to her apartment. When they were at her door, it didn't feel right anymore and while she was searching for her key, he stopped her by putting a hand on the hand she was using to look into her purse. 

When she felt his touch, she looked up into his eyes. It was the first time he was able to get a good look at her. He looked into her eyes and almost drowned in them. They were beautifully green. He also noticed something else, her eyes seemed to be a little clouded. He realized she might have drunk a few glasses. The guilt washed over him. 

Unsure, he said the first thing to her this night: "You thought I was someone else and started making out with me at a club and you're really hot so i just went with it and now we're heading back to your place and I don't know how to break it to you" he only told her what he has been thinking ever since he realized what was really going on.

She seemed a little confused about his confession: "What?" it was the only she could bring herself to say.

"I think you might have mistaken me for someone else." he said a little unsure. 

After this, a faint smile appeared on her face. "I'm pretty sure I didn't."

This made him frown, now it was his turn to say: "What?"

She looked a little shy at him and said: "I always knew who you were." This made him even more confused and she knew. "Your friend was talking about you and I kind of already knew you from Uni."

That's when he realized that she was the girl Ramiro has been talking to for so long. "I don't understand, if you were talking to my friend, why were you kissing me?" he eventually asked.

"He knew you didn't want to go out and he also knew why. You see, he's friends with one of my friends and we've all been hanging out a lot. He once talked about you and I realized that we met before." There was nothing but confusion to see on his face. "You bumped into me on your way to class. You spilled water all over my howework and you wanted to make it up to me by helping me to make it again but you were in a hurry that morning so you forgot about it. I guess I never really forgot about you since then." she started blushing a little. "Once I knew you were friends with Ramiro, I didn't have the courage to get in touch with you and I guess, I only observed you from a distance before today." 

This made him smile. "You mean stalking?" 

"No, I would never do that." she got a little defensive at his comment.

"I never forgot about it." he said after a few minutes of silence. She looked up from the ground. "I always remembered that morning and I didn't have the courage to get in touch with you either." 

"I know. Ramiro told me." she said with a reassuring smile.

"You did?" he was genuinely surprised.

"Why do you think I had the courage to kiss you now?" 

He couldn't believe his ears, all this time, she felt the same way he did. They both didn't know until his friend told her. This made him so happy. Without hesitating, he leaned in to kiss her and she kissed him back immediately. They continued the make-out session they had before. This time, it didn't last as long as last time. 

"Thank the stars you feel the same way as I do." he eventually said after exchanging looks. All she did was smile. "I should get back to Ramiro, he's probably wondering what happened to me." 

"Yeah, you should go." she was a bit dissapointed but she understood.

"I'll see you tomorrow, okay?" he gave her a tight hug and she hugged right back.

"We should agree on a place to meet then." she said.

"Okay." he took a minute to think of a spot. "Why don't we meet here?" he asked. "I know your address now." he put on a bright smile.

"Sounds great." With that, he gave her a peck on the lips and left.

She watched him leave, smiling from ear to ear. Content about the way things turned out today. Hoping they's have more moments like this.

lutteoficweek july 2018Where stories live. Discover now