No te pido abrazos, no te pido un beso. Solo una mirada, te lo pido por favor.

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Luna was completely panicking. Matteo was unconscious. He just didn't wake up.

Right in that moment, her dad went outside because he heard her yelling before. He came running towards them. As soon as he saw Matteo on the ground and not responding to anything. He called an ambulance.

Both Luna and Miguel waited for the ambulance to arrive. It got there as fast as possible. Luna had tears in her eyes now. She was very worried about him.

The medics got him in the ambulance and went to the hospital. Monica got there as well. "Is he going to be okay?" Luna tried to ask the medics when Matteo was in the car.

"The doctors are taking care of him, he will be okay." her mom tried to comfort her.

"Can somebody tell me why Matteo was up on that fence?" Miguel asked, he was confused. Luna was too upset to answer him and he knew.

"Why don't we go after them?" Monica tried once again to comfort her daughter and all Luna did was nod. So they took the car and started to drive to the hospital. Luna still had tears in her eyes and she couldn't stop them. She was angry at herself for not listening to him before. If she did, this would have never happened.

Once they were at the hospital, Monica asked a nurse if she knew anything about Matteo and she appointed them to the doctor who was treating him.

"He is stable but he is in a coma." the doctor told them.

"Can we see him?" Monica asked instead of Luna because she was speechless.

"It's better if only one person sees him, more would be too much for him." the doctor suggested.

"Okay" it was the only word Luna could say. The doctor lead her to his room and left her alone once she was inside.

She slowly walked towards his bed. To her, it looked like he was just sleeping. He looked peaceful but she was painfully aware that he wasn't at all.

She stood next to his bed now and took his hand in hers. Tears streamed down her face. She felt really guilty and she felt so helpless. All she could do was hoping he'd be awake soon. She didn't want to leave his side until that happens. She was certain that it would happen.

But right in that moment, his father walked into the room. He looked really upset. "How is he?"

"He's in a coma." she said through her tears. "I'm sorry, I don't believe we've met." she didn't really know who this man was.

"I'm his father and who are you?" he asked curiously.

She hesitated to answer because she didn't really know what to tell him but this seemed the best to say: "I'm a friend, my name is Luna."

"Well, nice to meet you, Luna." he gave her a hand and a warm smile. She smiled back. "Do you mind coming back tomorrow? I'd like to be alone with my son for now."

"Sure, I'll see you around señor Balsano." she left after that.

After a sleepless night, she got up early to visit Matteo. There was no change in his condition. It made her worried. She stayed by his side for the rest of the day until visiting hours were over.

After that day, she came to visit him every day. She told him how her day has been in the hopes that this might help him wake up and aftee a few days, tears started welling up in her eyes again. It was so hard to see him like this, so motionless.

While she was tearing up, she held his hand because somehow, it gave her comfort and in some way, she believed it might give him comfort too.

That's when she leaned over him while tearing up and she said: "I need you to wake up. I need my chico fresa. I need you so much."

She hoped her confession might help but it didn't. Nothing changed and she couldn't take it anymore. She started sobbing. She started to wonder if he's ever going to wake up. If she'll ever hear his voice again, if she'll ever see his eyes again.

She hasn't slept in days and she was exhausted so eventually, she fell asleep while still holding his hand. She stayed way passed visiting hours due to this but his father told the nurse not to wake her because he knew how exhausted she was. He saw the black circled under her eyes.

She slept deep, too deep to notice Matteo was waking up. At first, he was a little disorientated right up until he saw her in the chair next to his bed. He took a minute just to watch her sleep. This way, he could take some time to admire her without making it seem like he was being creepy.

Just then, he felt warmth coming from his hand and he realized that she fell asleep while holding his hand. It made him smile. She looked so beautiful. He seemed to have forgotten where he was for a minute.

When he felt like he stared enough at her, he began to talk to her: "I like the way your hand fits in mine."

His voice woke her up, she couldn't believe it at first. She slowly opened her eyes and they looked straight into his. His smile felt welcoming to her. "You're awake." she smiled from ear to ear.

"I am" it was the only thing he said but just those two words made her very happy.

She let go of his hand to give him a hug. "Easy, I'm still recovering." he warned her but hugged her back anyway.

"Sorry, I'm just so happy to finally hear your voice." she pulled away and took his hand again. She just wanted to feel his touch as much as possible. He intertwined their fingers and smiled at her.

"I'm happy that you're happy." he commented.

"You're okay" she added.

"Yes, I am." then he got a little nervous. "I want to talk to you."

Before he could continue, she put a finger on his lips so he won't say anything else. "I saw the video and I'm sorry." she said while her smile turned into a sad look.

"You did?" he was genuinely surprised.

"I'm sorry I didn't listen to you." she added.

"It's okay, I understand. I'm just glad you know the truth." he assured her.

"I love you." it escaped her lips before she knew it.

"I love you too." he answered with a huge smile. This gave her permission to kiss him. She did it slowly as she reminded herself to he careful.

He kissed her back. It was a quick kiss, they didn't want him to force anything. Besides, there was enough time to do that later. Now all that mattered was his recovery.  Hopefully, he would recover soon.

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