Te buscaré, te encontraré. Yo por ti estaré.

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Matteo was just getting back from the grocery store and he had his hands full of groceries. When he got back to his apartment, he noticed a girl desperately trying to open the door of the apartment building across the street. 

He had seen her go inside the building before so he figured something might be wrong so he decided to see what's going on.

He realized that it wasn't going to be easy with his hands full but he was very worried and he couldn't leave his bags alone.

The girl didn't see him coming so when he greeted her, she was startled. Which made him suspicious. "What are you doing?" was his first question.

"Nothing." she didn't want to admit what happened because she was a little embarrassed.

"it didn't look like you were doing nothing." he commented.

He stared at her and he would do it until she finally admits what exactly was going on. She refused to say anything at first so there was a pretty awkward silence between them. Eventually she gave in: "Fine, I locked myself out of my apartment." she admitted with a light blush on her cheeks.

He couldn't help but let out a laugh. She was clearly not amused by this. He immediately said: "Okay, I'm sorry. So there's no way to get into your apartment now?" he asked with a more serious tone now.

"I have a roommate but she's away now and she won't be back until tomorrow morning." she shyly admitted.

He didn't really know what to say at this point so instead he looked up at the sky. There were dark clouds and he realized that there was a heavy storm on its way.

 "You've locked yourself outside of your apartment and there's a storm rolling in and I pity you so I'll let you into mine" he eventually said once he looked down.

"Oh really?" a small smile started to appear on her face.

"Well, I can't let you be in this storm alone now can I?" he smiled back at her.

"Okay then." her smile got bigger. "Let me help you with those bags then." she suggested. Without waiting for an answer, she took one of his bags.


"No, thank you." she looked him in the eyes and honestly, her eyes were the most beautiful thing he's ever seen.

They walked together to his apartment building in silence. When they arrived at the door, he stopped her for a minute. "I don't usually let strangers into my home so why don't you tell me what your name is?"

At first, she frowned because she didn't understand what was going on but when he asked her this, she started to smile again. "It's Luna."

"Okay, then Luna, my name is Matteo and welcome to my apartment." he smiled brightly.

He opened the door for her and they took the elevator up to his floor and just like before, he opened the door for her. She looked around to see what his home looked like and she was very surprised to see everything she's coming across. She immediately saw a guitar and his skates were just lying around there as well.

When he came in as well, he said: "You can put that bag on the counter" and he pointed at it so she knew where his kitchen was.

When she did that, she asked: "Do you skate?" pointing at the black and blue skates.

"Yeah, I enter a few competitions now and then." he casually said.

"So you're a professional?" 

"No, it's just a hobby."

"Really? For me too." she eventually said.

"Wait, do you skate too?" he was genuinely surprised to hear this.

lutteoficweek july 2018Where stories live. Discover now