Con mis besos yo te haré feliz . Mil flores y regalos yo te daré.

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Luna got back home late. She had a late night class at her Uni. She was happy to finally be back at her apartment. But when she arrived, something weird was going on.

When she unlocked the door, she heard some noises. I took her a while to figure out where they came from. Eventually, she figured out that they came from her bedroom. She was very confused about this all. So she decided to check it out. Her door was closed, which was weird because she never closes that door. She slowly opened it because she was a little scared about what she might find there. 

To her surprise, she found Gastón and Nina lying down on her bed. Only, the thing was that one was lying on top of the other and she quietly stepped backwards in shock. 

"I was shocked too." she heard a familiar voice from behind her. Of course it was Matteo, he was standing in the doorway, he probably heard her come home. It isn't a suprise since they live next to each other.

The sudden voice did startle her a little. "Matteo, you startled me." she said in all honesty.

"I can see that and I can't blame you. Having someone so handsome standing in your doorway all of a sudden is very surprising." he gave her his typical smirk. She just smiled and shook her head. "Why don't you come over to my apartment? You can't stay here whil you saw what you saw now can you?" he asked.

She hesitated at first but she agreed in the end. They went together to his apartment. He immediately walked to the kitchen and offered her a plate full of food. "I'm guessing you weren't able to eat yet and as luck would have it, I cooked for Gastón until I discovered where he was at." he gave her a comforting smile and agreed to eat it. He apparently hadn't eaten yet either so he took his plate and hers and put it on the table so they could eat together. 

It felt a bit weird for Luna to do this, they have been on a few dates before and this just felt like an actual date but she didn't want to make the remark. Instead, she tried to enjoy her dinner and she did. It was delicious and she thanked him for the food. 

They put their plates and other dishes in the dishwasher and suddenly, Matteo got nervous and she noticed so she did what she could and gave him an assuring smile and she took his hand in his. This gave him enough courage to say what he wanted to: "Do you want to sleep over? Your room is taken at the moment and I don't think it would be nice to sleep in the same house as them." 

They haven't really made it official yet so she didn't really know what to say and he could see the panic on her face "Of course I'll let you sleep in my bed and I'll sleep on the couch. Gastón's room is very messy so you don't want to sleep in there." he squeezed her hand lightly and this made her give in and she said yes. This made Matteo very happy and he hugged her. 

She went to her own apartment to get her pjs, she decided it'd be best if she changed at Matteo's place because she didn't want to stay here long. She was in and then out.

Matteo was excited that Luna was staying over but sadly, it wasn't like he imagined the first this would happen. He didn't want to go too fast with her because he didn't want to mess this up. It was pretty safe to say that after the couple of dates they had, he had strong feelings for her and he didn't want to change that. 

Luna went to the bathroom and it took everything in Matteo to stay away from that room. It was tempting, yes, but he couldn't. 

She had her hair in a ponytail and she was wearing shorts and a top. "You look amazing." it came out before he knew it but it made her smile. That always made him feel better, no matter what. Her smile was radiant just like she was.

They both went to sleep at the same time. Both happy to be here.

Luna woke up in the middle of the night to get a glass of water and on her way to the kitchen, she came across Matteo sleeping on the couch. She took a minute to take in the view. He looked so handsome just sleeping there. But he didn't really seem comfortable, she couldn't really enjoy the view for long because he kept turning. He obviously couldn't find a comfortable position and she felt bad. She couldn't allow him to suffer so as soon as he was facing her again, she decided to wake him up. She tried to shake him lightly at first but he slept too deep to notice it. 

After a couple of minutes thinking, she decided to go with a more drastic approach. She had to admit, she didn't want it to be like this but she couldn't come up with anything else so she leaned in slowly. Then, she put her lips on his and in a somewhat automatic response, he kissed her back. Not opening his eyes but waking up. Then when realization hit him, he woke up.

He shot up in surprise. When he saw who just kissed him, he made place for her to sit on the couch next to him. "I'm sorry." was all she said.

"Why did you do that?" he just wanted to know.

"I wanted to wake you up and at first I couldn't and then this is what I came up with." she admitted shyly.

"Why did you want to wake me up?" he was really confused.

"I saw you sleeping and you looked very uncomfortable, I couldn't stand seeing you like that." she looked away so he wouldn't see her shyness.

This comment made him smile anyway. "And how are you going to fix that?" he was a bit amused.

"I was thinking that maybe you could sleep in your bed as well." now it was her turn to be nervous.

"You don't mind?" he asked seriously.

"No, of course not." this made her turn to him and smile.

"Okay, then." it's the only thing he could say. This gave her the invitation to take his hand in hers and lead him to his bed. She did all of this with confidence. They both got in the bed, they were both a bit unsure. They eventually decided to turn their backs towards each other. It seemed like the best thing to do.

When they both fell asleep, unconsciously, Matteo turned on his back and Luna turned around to face him. After a while, they were lying closer within each other's reach. Then, Luna put her arm and her leg around him. They stayed like this for the rest of the night.

Matteo was the first one to wake up. He slowly opened his eyes and he felt all kinds of butterflies inside his stomach and he felt a warmth going through his body and then he realized what happened. Luna's body was wrapped around him and honestly, it was the cutest thing he has ever seen. He wanted this moment to last because he had no idea if this was going to happen again. He wanted this all the time, waking up and seeing her beside him. He would even want to have lazy morning kisses. This made him flashback to last night. They kissed for the first time and he never imagined it like this. But he couldn't complain, he was happy to finally have kissed her even if he was very sleepy at the time.

But now it was time for her to wake up and as soon as she realized how they were lying, her cheeks started to get red. It made this even more adorable for him. Without thinking, he gave her a kiss on her head and this seemed to take her blushing away.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" she asked after some time. He didn't take his eyes off her and he smiled from ear to ear and his eyes were shining.

"I offer you my bed to sleep in because our respective roommates are getting it on in your room and take the sofa to sleep on, only I wake up back in my bed with your tiny body wrapped around me and damn me if it isn't the cutest thing I've ever seen"  he said in one breath.   

They lied there for a few moments more until he eventually got up but she didn't want to. She was too comfortable. This gave him an idea. His smirk kind of gave it away and she got scared of what was about to happen. He ignored her warning looks and he took her in his arms, bridal style and she couldn't help but let out a giggle and he laughed on his turn. He put her on the counter of the kitchen and he started to make breakfast. It was pancakes. She watched him make them. It was very entertaining for her and they just laughed all the time. They acted as if it has been like this for years, it was just so natural for both of them.

When the pancakes were done, he put them on the kitchen table and helped her off the counter. She was about to sit down when he stopped her in her tracks by intertwining her fingers with his. This made her turn around and he could see a look of confusion on her face. He leaned in and eventually, his lips landed on hers and in a matter of seconds, they were kissing intensely. Nothing mattered but their lips touching. This was the kind of kiss he imagined and it felt so good. Bolts of electricity were felt as they were touching. His one hand on her waist and his other hand still intertwined with hers. Her other hand was on his cheek. The world seemed to fade away. 

After a while, they pulled apart to finally eat something and now they both hopedmore sleepovers like this would happen and he wanted to kiss her a thousands times over. Luckily, there was time for all of that.

lutteoficweek july 2018Where stories live. Discover now