Arriesgarlo todo es lo que siento, sé que va a doler. No te imaginas cuanto.

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It was very late. Luna just got back from Roller. She was even too late for dinner. She enjoyed skating so much that she forgot the time.

Her parents were worried sick. Normally at this hour, they would've already been asleep. But this time, they stayed up until she came home.

They were pretty mad at her because she forgot to tell them she'd be in Roller for the rest of the day.

"Where were you?" Monica started.

"I was in Roller, I forgot to tell you, I'm sorry." she tried her best to apologize. It didn't take.

"How can you forget something like that?" Miguel was the one to talk now.

"I know, I was just too caught up with skating. I promise it won't happen again" she didn't want her mom and dad to be mad at her.

"It's okay this time, just don't let it happen again" Miguel said after a pretty long silence.

Monica turned her frown into a smile. "If you're still hungry. Your food is in the microwave."

"Thank you mom and dad." she gave them a hug and went to the kitchen to eat. Her parents went to bed after their conversation.

Luna turned on the microwave to heat her food and took a glass of water while she was waiting for it to be ready.

Unexpectedly, her phone started to ring. It was Matteo. She was wondering why he would call so late so she answered.

"Luna? I'm glad you're still awake." Matteo started.

"What's going on?" she answered him.

"I wanted to talk to you." Luna heard a little insecurity in his voice which made her very worried.

"About what?" she couldn't hide the worry in her voice.

"Can we talk in person?" this made her even more worried.

"Okay, let's meet tomorrow at the park next to Roller after school." she tried to sound like it was no big deal but clearly, it was.

"I'll see you then. See you tomorrow Luna." he sighed in relief.

This made her suspicious but said anyway: "See you tomorrow'" after that, she hung up.

She couldn't really fall asleep that night, she couldn't stop thinking about what he needs to talk to her about.

It was hard to get out of bed the next morning, she barely slept a few hours.

She was zoned out for most of the day. She didn't pay attention to anything, it all passed by in a blur.

When shool was finally over, she hurried back home to change. She even forgot to greet Alfredo and her parents. She took her skates and left as fast as she could.

When she arrived at the spot, he was already waiting for her. When he spotted her, he smiled and waved at her. She did the same thing.

She walked towards Matteo with a bit of stress and before she knew it, she tripped over her own foot. She nearly fell with her nose on the ground but luckily, Matteo was close so he could catch her in his arms in time. He had a firm grip on her. She thanked the stars he saved her once again.

"Here I go, saving you again, chica delivery." he commented with a smirk.

She didn't say anything because she was too distracted because his arms were still holding her even though she was standing on two feet again.

When she finally came back to earth, she freed herself from his grip. He let her go eventually, although he didn't want to.

"What did you want to talk about?" she asked as soon as she could speak.

"I want to ask for your help. I think you're the only one that can help me" he said and she noticed he was nervous.

"Why are you assuming I even know how to help you?" she asked a little surprised. Why would she be the only one that can help him?

"Well, you see. You've done this thing before so you know how it goes." he was very nervous and even a little insecure while telling this.

"What are you talking about?" she was as confused as ever.

He started to play with his fingers to try and calm himself down so he had the courage to ask her what he has been meaning to ask her: "Do you remember when my dad wanted me to move with him and you pretended to be my girlfriend to convince him to let me stay?"

"Yes, we really convinced that it was real." she had a faint smile on her face. She remembered how great it was to play his girlfriend but it also hurt like hell at the same time.

"I was wondering if you could pretend one more time. He's going to visit next week and I'm pretty sure he'll be here to find a reason to take me with him unless I have a really good reason." he looked at her unsure. It hurt him to ask her because he remembered how painful it was the last time.

It took her a minute to process. She knew that if they fake dated again, it would hurt as much as the first time. She hasn't gotten over him, she even loved him more now, she couldn't deny that. But this would make him stay and isn't that worth the pain she's going to feel? She finally came to a conclusion: "Okay, I'll help but this is the last time."

This made him smile: "I promise that it will be." he hugged her to say thank you and she hugged him right back. "Maybe... Maybe we should practice a little to make sure it'll look convincing." he looked into her eyes to find out how she feels about this.

"Yeah, maybe we should." Even though it hurts a lot, they both thought it was worth it. Any touch, any act as if they were really dating was worth it, because they could at least pretend for a second that it was real.

Matteo got closer and slowly took her hand in his. They slowly intertwined their fingers. He leaned in and kissed her on the cheek. They were both breathing heavily. It was weird that one touch could be so painful yet feel so good. It felt like they just walked out of the cold and walked into a very warm place. It was relieving to finally feel the warmth of their feelings but painful thinking this isn't real.

He lead her to the nearest bench and they both sat down. While their fingers were still intertwined, he put an arm around her shoulder and she rested her head on his shoulder. Those movements came so natural to them. It made them both wonder why.

But they stopped thinking. All they wanted to do right now enjoy this moment, they both pretended that this was real and not practice for next week.

Yet, in some way, it was real, for both of them equally, the tragic part was that they didn't know.

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