Chaptuer 4

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"After some time you and bendy where a official married and as day's went past you and him grew more and more close even though u found out what happen to the evil Alice it was sad for you but lucky you and Boris and Henry and Bendy found the other good Alice she became the official Alice angle and you guy's all had fun little did you and Bendy know Boris  fallen in love with you Alice knew but she didn't tell him she knew or you or Henry or Bendy" 

Y/n: Hey Sweetheart i'm going to the store want anything love? 

Bendy: yeah do u know where i can find Y/n? X3 

Y/n: ye im right here "You giggled a bit"

Bendy: well then i want you~

Y/n: ///////////// I-I w-w-will b-b-be b-b-b-back a-a-after t-t-the s-s-store

Bendy: Okay " Kisses check"

"After your at the store You went in with a cart an got games some fun things to have to play with the other's you also remember it's there birthday you got Alice a new black dress sent's you knew it's there favorite color Boris a toy and Bendy a shirt and pants and a bow-tie u also decided to get Boris also some clothes then walk around u got them a lot of things and Henry u left the store u also got foot btw and headed back as u did u think if u forgot something but you knew u didn't"

" as u head u sail all of them are watching movie's you sneak into there room's and left them there present's then act like u went in the kitchen and where putting the thing's away bendy noticed u and went and offered you help u gladly accepted and then Alice and they all help u smiled"

Y/n: You know something?

Them: no what?

Y/n: in a way we're all like a happy best friend's and family :)

Them: " kinda blush an smile"

" Y/n hug each and every one of them"

Y/n: btw there's gift's on all of your bed and i got some game's i thought we could do later 

Bendy: Okay Thank's sweet heart

Alice: Thank You Y/n 

Boris: WHOP!!! thanks!

Henry: okay! thank's!

" As they left to go look at there gift's you cooked Bendy an Boris and Alice a cake"

Boris's P.o.v

" I look at my gifts and smiled they were awesome one's if u ask me i couldn't help but chew on the bone as i open it i was enjoying my bone and rolling around it's my favorite not just cause it's a bone but cause Y/n gave it to me"

Alice's P.o.v

"I open my gift and they where all amazing new dresses and shoe's and makeup" (idk if Alice angle would like that sooooo just guessing XD) "i decided to start changing into them once i did i started to put my makeup on"

Bendy's P.o.v

"I open my gifts and smiled they were amazing i put on mu new clothes and look at the bow-ties to see witch one would look best to wear then i put the best one on and then even added my cape that match it on"

Henry's P.o.v

" I look at my Gift's I look and sail a new outfit and some new glasses i smiled and put them on i open the other bags to see some toys and stuff to draw and paint i smiled and sail there was a outfit with it that was just so i could paint with it is sweet of her i knew it wasnt my birthday but in a way it felt like it"

Narrator point of view

"Once they all got out of there thing's put away they all look and sail each one wearing a outfit they all complemented each other then headed down they sail the living room looking ready for there birthday's even Henry's they smiled and sail Y/n setting everything up the ladder fell Bendy ran and caught u so did Boris"

Both: Y/n  are you okay!?!?!?!?

Alice: Yes sweetie are you alright!? :o 

Henry: Y/n are you okay!?

Y/n: Yeah calm down i'm alright!

Them: " all sigh in realif

"Y/n kinda laugh but smiled"

"Once everything was ready and they all had fun playing game's watching movie's talking everything seem like a great day day................................"

Narrator: what will happen? will the EVIL Alice come back? Will they lose Y/n? Only chapter 5 will show! hope you enjoy this see you next time!

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