Chapter Four.

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"Why does your voice sound so coarse?" Percy asks, and I can already picture the frown on his face. "Are you crying Lyla?"

"Of course, not...just my allergies you know." I lied wiping away the tears from my eyes.

He scoffs. "Lyla, please tell me you're not in the bathroom feeling sorry for yourself right now." He begs and on impulse I burst out crying again. I did feel sorry for myself. It's one of those moments, where you feel completely pathetic and wondered why your life is the way it is. Why did I have to attend this school? Why couldn't my father just take care of his responsibilities? Why do I have to be the social reject?

"I hate my life Percy." I admit.

He sighed through the phone. "Ly, it's going to get better. It's your final year there, soon, you'll be stinking rich and they will all come running after you. Did you open that letter yet?" he asks, his tone changed from sympathy to demanding.

I sniffed. "No."

"Young lady, clean yourself up and go open that envelop! I'm locked in curiosity here!" he yells, and I chuckled slightly.

"Okay, okay."

Feeling better after my phone call with Percy, I did as instructed, and washed my face. However, as I went back to the class for my school bag, I couldn't help but feel a bit anxious about reading what was inside. I couldn't understand it, but I had a feeling it was something that is going to make me have to decide my future. It was kind of scary.

The class was thankfully empty when I got there. However, Kyle was standing by my desk with a piece of scrap paper in his hands. My heart immediately soared seeing him, but as I studied his face expression I recognized that he was frowning. I knitted my brows and walked closer towards him.

"What's wrong?" I ask.

He didn't look at me, but instead read the paper: "Dear Lightweight, it seems you took my words to the heart. To cheer you up, I added your name to the assignment since you were my inspiration."

I hugged my arms feeling a bit insecure. That was definitely from Jackson and I scowled at the petty way he tried to some how 'smooth' things over. I didn't need their pity or their stupid friendships. It wouldn't be genuine anyways.

"Lightweight? Lyla, why does everyone here seem to dislike you?" Kyle asks displeasing.

My lips wobbled, and I looked down to my shoes. "Because I'm....poor." I whispered so low, I was shocked he heard me. I wasn't going to pretend to hide my problems anymore, because seeing his determination yesterday, he would insist anyways. Plus, I was already in a depressing mood. At least now, I've accepted my standing. I just wondered if Kyle will...

"What? But you paint- I mean-y-you- I would think that you have a job of some sort or your parents? And if not, why does that even matter here?" He stuttered.

I furrowed my brows. "Vector Academy is a private school Kyle. They practically breathe off dollar bills. And the students here do so too. They sort of posted my financial problems on their website and since then, no one here even looks at me." I say truthfully. I inclined against a desk and almost froze when Kyle appeared directly by my side.

"Is that even legal?"

"My dad didn't read the fine print."

"So that's why." He breathes, and I finally look up to meet his eyes.

I wished I didn't.


He was way too close.

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