Chapter Twenty-Seven

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The rest of the week progressed in a rush. On Thursday, the Winter Ball committee was making the final arrangements in the gym room and at the end of the school day, they locked the gym doors to prevent anyone from entering.

The employees from Vogue also stopped by, to scope out the location in order to prep for their shoot tomorrow. Selena made sure to be by their side the entire time.

As for Jackson, our communication was limited to texting throughout the day. He kept up his end of the deal and tried to probe Kyle on why he would ask such a thing, however Kyle didn't give him any clues.

The whole thing was too frustrating to ponder on so I didn't bother to focus on it for too long.

Kyle decided to plan an evening picnic by the lake at his house and I took it as the perfect opportunity to see if I could get any clues as to what he was up to.

The picnic set up was quite beautiful yet simple. A light blue spread was outreached on the sand and a couple plates and plastic cups were set with it. A small lunch box was beside a bunch of pink roses and a small Bluetooth speaker box, which was humming a soft instrumental music.

I raised my brows in surprise and smiled at a thoughtful looking Kyle. "Wow." I comment.

He smiled and held my hand and walked us towards it. After we sat down together I stared at him in expectation.

"What?" he asked looking confused.

"Whats the occasion?" I asked motioning to the set up.

He pursed his lips. "The occasion? My love for you." he declares and my heart warmed at it.

I blushed. "This is too sweet."

He reached into the lunch box and pulled out a small bottle of nonalcoholic wine, then a bowl of some Chinese looking cuisine. He shared it evenly between us and I melted at the taste.

"Hmmm," I moaned aloud after my first mouthful, "You seriously need to teach me how to cook." I stated.

He smiled softly and stared into his cup long fully. "I hope I get the chance to..." he trailed off.

Suddenly Jackson's words from Monday night, returned to my mind and my fear heightened. I didn't like the way he responded. Was he really going to leave? Did something happened back in New York?

"Why wouldn't you be able to Kyle?" I asked thickly, and he met my eyes. "You're really going somewhere aren't you?" I snapped.

His eyes widen. "What? Who told you that?"

"That didn't answer the question Kyle...Are you leaving?" I demand, an awful feeling swelling inside me because his expression told me I guessed correctly.

"I have to returned home, after the Winter Ball." he announced.

My eyes began to swell with tears but I held them back. Swallowing deeply, I did my best to remain as calm as possible. "You...What?"

He swallowed and placed his cup down. "My father has been demanding my presence and so much stuff is changing throughout the company. I can't finish my time at Vector Lyla,” he says sadly.

"...And you wait, until the day before, to tell me that?" I hissed. He reached for my hands when the first tear rolled down my cheeks and held them tightly.

"Lyla, I'm so sorry. There's much you don't understand right now. But this is all sudden for me too. I wanted to tell you for so long."

A numb feeling began to overwhelm me. "Whats going to happen to us?" I whispered.

He held my head and forced me to meet his beautiful eyes. "I'm willing to fight the odds Lyla. I'm willing to hold onto us. Promise me you'll do the same. Don't give up on us." he pleaded.

I broke down in tears but nodded in agreement and allowed him to comfort me for the rest of the evening.


My excitement for the Winter Ball died the following day because it meant it was the last weekend I have with Kyle. He explained that his flight was set for Sunday evening. So at least we had a couple more hours afterwards to be together.

I was distraught at the idea of a long distance relationship. It's something I've never believed in. Even though apart of me always knew something like this might eventually happened. I wish Kyle had told me earlier because I'd have more time to properly think through this. Now I was so completely overwhelmed by my emotions that all resonated with me, was just that I didn't want to loose what Kyle and I had together.

I was so depressed about the situation, I didn't start to get ready until half an hour before Kyle would come and pick me up.

When my father called from downstairs that Kyle was here, I'd just finish applying the final touches on my lipstick. I stared at myself, satisfied with my curls and over all look, before grabbing my purse which was resting on top of my laptop keyboard.

It pressed against one of the laptop keys and caused my laptop screen to wake up and I saw Vision's website page.

Right, Jonathan is going to reveal himself tonight.

I sighed, deciding to focus on primarily that, as I made my way downstairs before my father eat Kyle alive.

"Finally." my father grumbled, and I smiled apologetically at Kyle.

Kyle looked mesmerising. His tux was light grey and his tie matched my dress perfectly. He'd brushed back his hair which made him look older than normal and it made me question if I'd seen him somewhere before dressed like this.

He smiled at me warmly and with relief when I reached his side and we exchanged a small hug.

My father's hawk eyes made the entire atmosphere tense and I glared at him. "Dad, play nice." I said.

He huffed. "I am." he then lift the camera in his hand with a frown, "Smile." he commands.

After a couple photos and a death threat thrown towards Kyle, my father finally released us to leave the house.

"Ready for tonight?" Kyle asked as we entered the car.

"If you're asking if I'm ready to meet Jonathan Harrington, then hell yes." I answered honestly. I wonder what I'm going to say to him...

"Remember our promise Lyla. We fight through everything together." he affirms.

I nod. "Of course."

He smiled softly at me before putting the gear in drive and began the journey to my school. When we were a couple minutes away, my phone vibrated and I took it from my purse to see a shocking text from Alicia:

Just between us, Jackson manage to pull up an old photo of Jonathan but he refused to let me to see who it is. All he says to do, is ask you to find him the moment you get to the ball.

-With Love, Chan

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-With Love, Chan.

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