Chapter Five.

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I groaned aloud and grabbed my phone.

The constant beeping was incredibly annoying and it's distracting me from attempting to study. I clicked on my messages knowing exactly who was pestering me.

Every since Kyle got my number last week, he has ensured to fill my inbox every minute of the day. I didn't mind most times. He made me feel like I had some worth. He liked me for who I am and that was something I highly respected.

Since last week, he has been like a leech to my life. He was always by my side, and constantly sucked away all my hope of trying to ignore him. Selena started to notice too. And her intense glares were very unnerving.


"Why aren't you online?"


"You better not be studying!"

"Come on sexy, I'm lonely :)"

My cheeks flushed at the last text. I will never get use to how much he teases me. He was incredibly attractive and saying things like that did things to a girl's heart. I was crushing on him so bad and growing so close to him, made me scared. There's nothing worse than one-sided love.

Me: "What did I tell you about those nicknames? And yes Kyle, I AM in fact studying."

Kyle: "But you are sexy Lyla."

I blushed furiously and groaned aloud again. Unfortunately, at that precise moment, my father walked pass my room. His body froze, and I met his concerning eyes. Oh no...

"Lyla, is everything okay?" he asks.

I smiled brightly. "All is well dad! Just peachy."

He hesitated, then sighs. I watched as he runs his hand down his face in a frustrated gesture. When he looked at me again, he almost seemed to be in pain.

"Lyla, your face looks like spurted ketchup was tossed all over it. It's that boy again isn't it? He's distracting you. You haven't even painted in days," He begins in a scolding tone.

My mood immediately went dim. "Kyle is just a friend know I never have friends." I mumbled.

"Yeah but you don't need a friend who is going to distract you. You know how I depend on-"

I squeezed my palms. "You don't need to say it dad. I know. I'm actually going downstairs to paint shortly," I lied. I didn't want to have this conversation with him right now. Especially feeling like this.

He exhales in relief. "Alright, good. I'm going out with Tart Tat tonight, I'll be back pretty late."

I merely nod and gritted my teeth in anger when he left. He gets to go out on a Friday night and I'm stuck here, being forced to paint. It was very unfair, especially knowing he's going to be spending money that I earned on my own. Without his help.

My ringtone blared, and I jumped from my thoughts and peered at the screen.


"Hello?" I answered reluctantly. I was well aware he would only continue to ring my phone off, if I didn't answer.

"Lyla? What's wrong?"

"Nothing, I just- I'm kinda busy," I lied.

"Busy doing what?"

"I need to go paint," I said simply. Maybe painting will take my mind off-

"I want to watch you."

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