Chapter Twenty-Six

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"Jackson!" I called softly. He paused at the gym door, his hand outstretched to push it open. He was wearing his Jersey today and must have been getting ready for practice. When he glanced over his shoulder in curiosity, I moved from the corner I was hiding in and made myself visible.

His eyes naturally softened and I immediately felt nervous by the action. "Lyla," he says softly, turning his body towards me.

I swallowed. It's been a week since we last spoke. The knowing glances he often gives me was enough than words. "Hi," I greeted.

His orbs studied me before he spoke again. "I'm guessing this is about your boyfriend," he continues, raising his brows knowingly.

I sighed. "I'm just curious. You two were never really friends-"

"We still aren't, but he needed a favor and I decided to help him out. One in which I cannot tell you." He explains. The firmness in his tone made it clear that he wasn't going to change his mind.

I bit my lip. "Understood." I murmured and turned to walk away but his hands gently grabbed my arm and tugged me back.

"Hey, how have you been?" he asked.

I swallowed, feeling giddy from the way my heart was pacing. "I've been"

"I've had better days."

"Atleast the Winter Ball this week will take the edge off." I shrug.

He scoffed. "I'd rather watch reruns of Mean Girls."

I smiled. "Does that mean I won't be seeing you on Friday?"

He smirked and folded his hands. "It depends. I'll come if you save me a dance."

"Hmm, sounds risky."

"Everyone should be a risk taker at some point in their lives."

I grinned but I still felt awkward at our conversation. "Well we'll see." I responded simply.

He mirrored my grin then began to walk backwards. "We shall, Lyla Denver." he promised before disappearing behind the gym door.

I smiled and walked away, to head to my next class. That wasn't as bad as I thought it would've been. I kind of enjoyed our little bickering. However, I was still left curious as to what Kyle could possibly ask Jackson to do. And why couldn't I know?

When I got to my math class I decided not to think about it too much. I needed to focus on my main concern which was Vision. Everything was going to unfold this week and I couldn't help but feel anxious.

Vision has been silent since last week. There weren't any new emails or phone calls and for me, that wasn't the best sign. Two weeks after the Winter Ball, I'll be announced as the face of Vision.

Shouldn't there be some contact in regards to that?

I even checked their website, however nothing new was added. The whole situation was uncanny.

After Math, was lunch which I had with Alicia and Kyle. Nothing new emerged apart from the constant talk about this week's Ball. As per usual, Kyle gave me a ride home after school and I suddenly remembered that he finished my painting on Sunday.

"So I really can't see the painting yet?" I enquired.

"Nope," He answered without hesitation. "I'm saving it for a special occasion."

I raised my brows. "Oh really? Mysterious." I mused with a small smile.

He returned it just as my phone vibrated and I glanced down at it curiously.

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