Chapter Twenty.

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Just want to tell everyone who votes and reads this book that I'm so grateful. Thank you all so much.
P.s. Photo above is Lyla’s dad.

"Lyla, wh-what are you doing here?" My father asked when I approached him. Jackson's motorcycle revved behind me but I didn't have to glance around to know that he left.

"Let's just go home." I demanded numbly and entered the passenger side of the van. He didn't make any other requests seeing my mood but simply entered the van and quietly drove us home.

The entire ride home, I was convicted about how much my life have been changing. In the past couple months I've encountered things I never thought I would. And now it was like I couldn't control them.

I couldn't tell Kyle about Jackson just yet. It would only make him unsettled and I was already upset with him as it is. I felt confused at my own feelings too. I couldn't tell if whatever I felt for Jackson was romantic or simply friend-zoned. Maybe I'm not use to having male friends?

Then there was my father. I lost all my trust. I was even doubting how much he cares about me as his daughter. How could he do that to me? What if I didn't get the opportunity from Vision and had to save up for college? He broke our bond in the worst way.

We didn't spoke the entire ride home, but as we entered the house, I knew he was itching to. So I didn't bother to go straight to my room, instead I waited by the stairs case while he closed the front door.

When his brown eyes met mines, I finally decide to speak. "As of tomorrow, I'm restricting your access to my accounts-"


I lifted my hand to silence him. "I'm not done. Not only am I cutting you off, but I will not take responsibility for the mortgage next month. You're going to put yourself together and go find a job and work for yourself. Let me just add, in a couple weeks my identity as a painter will be made public. I signed a deal with Vision to become the face of the company in Spain-"

"Spain? Wow Lyla-"

"Stop acting like you actually care Dad when you've been draining me this entire time! How could you do this to me?" I shouted, my eyes began to water again and I furiously wiped them away. I hated the fact that I always cry whenever I'm extremely pissed off. It makes me feel weak.

A broken look came across his face and he took a step towards me. "Lyla, honey you got it wrong-"

"Just leave me alone dad. My decision is final." I spat, and before he could say another word I rushed up to my room to finish crying my heart out.


My sleep was restless that night. I couldn't remember the moment I fell asleep, but I remembered staring at the nude pink wall in my room, feeling nothing but pity for myself.

I thought a lot about Spain that night. And how much what my father did, despite the hurt, allowed me to create a name for myself. I thought about how much bolder I felt myself becoming at the thought of handling life on my own.

But then I remembered Kyle and felt the sadness overwhelming me by the thought of living my life without him. However, will there even be a life with us if he's not willing to open up to me?

Once I thought of Kyle, I immediately saw Jackson. The high school jock who once hated me came to like me. His eyes of ice became warm and his words of hatred became words of encouragement. I liked his honesty, and whenever I see him my entire body begins to tremble. But what does that mean? Do I just fear him or like him?

He was so different from Kyle too. They were the exact opposites. Damn, how did I get myself into this mess?

It was a soft knocking on my door that woke me from my restless sleep. It was pushed opened as I opened my eyes and I frown visibly when I saw my father.

He looked just as stressed as how I felt. Maybe because he got caught?

“Lyla.” he began.

I looked back at my wall and hugged my sheet to my body. “Go away.” I demand.

He sighed and walked towards my bed then sat at the direct end of it. The perfect position for me to kick him off-

“I’m going to talk and you're going to listen.” he stated firmly, “Now, I don't know how you found out, but yes I do gamble.” he admits.

I flinched at the confession and felt my eyes watering again. “You gambled out everything I worked so hard for. For the both of us. I thought you love me dad.” I sob, flinching away from him when he tried to reach for my hand.

“Lyla, how can you think that? I do love you honey. Every game I've won goes into a secret account I have at Yalls Bank.” he stated.

I knitted my brows and pushed myself to sit up and face him. “What?”

He sighed and ran a hand through his hair. “I know it's a shameful way to make money, but at the time it's the quickest option for me. So I ensured that I won every game. It's risky, but I almost always win. I lost the other day when I found out our mortgage was paid in short and I got pissed because I'd betted pretty large that day. But I've made trice as much after that. All the money goes to that account. I even have the papers to show you. It's sort of an insurance policy incase something happens to you or myself.

Baby, I'm so sorry you found out this way. And I'll stop, I promise. What you said last night, it really made me look into myself. I want to start being the best father I can be for you. I spoke with Tart Tat this morning and told him everything. He knows a construction worker and is pulling some strings...Just please Lyla, don't hate me.” he explained, his eyes pleading with me to understand.

I felt a burden lifted off my shoulders. I was still upset that he even took part in that activity but in that moment, what stood out the most is that my Father loves me. And that's what any good daughter would want.

I immediately wrapped my hands around his neck and allowed my sobs to escape me. “I’ll never hate you dad.” I murmured.

He tightened his hold. “I love you so much. I'm so sorry.”

*Bawls* Haha, thoughts?Vote and leave a comment pretty please

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Haha, thoughts?
Vote and leave a comment pretty please.

-With Love, Chan.

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