Chapter Fifteen

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"You're here." I acknowledge, walking towards my table, where Kyle now stood, after Jackson shooked me.

Kyle was still frowning but gave Alicia a small smile when she waved at him. He finally met my eyes and gently tugged me by shirt into his arms. His touched made my skin warmed and I willingly accepted the embrace.

I missed him.

"Yeah, seems I came the right time." he breathes into my hair. I knitted my brows, and pulled out of his hug.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Jackson, are you sure you can trust him?" he asks in return. I hesitantly opened my mouth to respond but the lunch bell sounded and I decided not to answer his question.

Instead, I gave him a tight lip smile and turned to take up my school bag. A part of me was slightly relieved for the distraction because I couldn't answer that question confidently. The truth is, Jackson was also confusing me as well. The only thing I was confident of, is that he isn't a liar. He'd rather you hate him for the truth.

"Are you staying for the rest of the day Kyle?" Alicia asks while throwing away her lunch remains.

I looked at him with hopeful eyes. "Are you?"

He sighed. "No, I actually just stopped by on my way home. I'm exhausted from the journey. Will you need a ride today?" he asks me.

I shook my head. "No it's okay. I'll just call my dad." I reassured him.

We exchange a kiss and I moved off to enter through the cafeteria building when I suddenly remembered my social media struggle last night.

I turned my head towards Kyle once again. "Hey Kyle, you don't use social media?" I asks.

He scoffed. "Nah, I'm not for all that jazz. Why?" he says with a smile.


He frowned. "No, what's wrong?" he took a step forward and I felt a ball of doubt dropped in my stomach.

Forcing a smile I said, "Nothing, I was just curious why I couldn't find you that's all. Later."

I quickly pushed through the doors where Alicia was waiting for me without looking back at him.

I was positive I saw him surfing Instagram once. So, why would he lie about it?


The rest of the week progressed normally. Kyle remained clingy as always- not that I had any complaints- and Jackson ensured to not walk near to me. The only time I actually got to speak with him is during Mr.Weebly's class, but even then he only gave me vague responses.

To make my anxiety worse, he didn't even answer my texts.

By time Friday came around I was a nervous wreck. I've been observing my father all week and he seemed pretty normal to me. He has been staying out later than normal, however he came home pretty sober. So, I was still clueless as to what Jackson thinks he could be hiding from me.

Kyle came to pick me up for school in the morning, and I could tell he was sensing my worry, by the way he kept glancing at me.

"Dont worry about it too much Lyla." he soothes, reaching to hold my hand, "I'll be there the entire time."

I frowned. "Actually, you can't be there." I admit.

His brows pulled together in bewilderment and he briefly cast those beautiful hazel-green eyes at me, before looking at the road again. "What do you mean?"

"Jackson says if you're going to be there, then he won't let me know the truth about my father. I don't know why."

His jaw clenched. "Now, I'm worried. Just what exactly is he trying to do? I'm your boyfriend, what if something happens-"

"Nothing will Kyle. Just trust me." I begged.

"I don't trust him. I'm going to be there Lyla. I have to be." he insisted.


"Dont worry, he won't know I'm there." he says firmly and I merely nod, knowing he wasnt going to let it go. And I don't blame him. The whole situation was also strange to me.

When we pulled into the school's parking lot, a small gathering by the school entrance caught our attention. As we walked closer, I recognized our principal, the guidance counselor and what seems to be a female reporter and her camera guy. A few students lingered by, to listen but Kyle gentle shoved me forward before I could stop to eavesdrop.

"I wonder what that's about." I mumbled aloud.

An uneasy look came across Kyle's face. "They probably want to feature the school."

"Vector has a resident journalist. They must have discovered a story or something." I suggested, racking my brain as to anything that might caught the press attention here. As far as I'm concerned, nothing new was occurring at Vector.

We stopped at my locker and I began to withdrew my books. I glanced at Kyle to see him tapping away on his phone with an extremely stern expression. "Is everything okay?" I inquired.

He opened his mouth to speak but a certain red head suddenly appeared behind me and beat him to it. "Kyle. Can we talk?" Selena asks, a slight alert look in her eyes.

He suddenly seemed weary and looked at me, as if he was asking for permission. In that moment, I didn't want to seem like that girl who clings to her boyfriend all the time. And I knew Kyle wouldn't do anything to betray me like that.

So thinking logically, I nodded softly. "Its okay, I'll see you in visual studies before lunch anyways." I smiled.

He gave me a sheepish smile and kissed me lighty. "I'll miss you." he murmered against my lips and my heart beats increased.

When he walked off, I found myself grinning like a fan girl. I was really falling for this guy.

I clutched my notebook to my chest and walked towards my math class, wondering just what Selena wanted. Should I ask Kyle about it later? He wouldn't mind right?

I kept pondering about it as I took my seat in class, but it was short lived when Alicia came tumbling into the seat beside me. Her blue eyes were wild with excitement. "Did you see the reporters?" she asks excitedly.

"Yeah I did. Do you have any idea what they want?"

"Apparently someone leaked some information about an upcoming young bachelor attending our school. They suspect it's Johnathan Harrington, heir to an art gallery in New York!" she whispered.

In that moment it felt as if all the blood drained from my face. My mouth fell and wobbled as I struggled to form my words. "W-what? That doesn't make sense."

"I know! I mean, I googled him and he is incredibly hot and all but I've never seen him around here. Look, does he seem familiar?" she inquired shoving her phone across my desk.

With excitement bubbling in me, I glanced at the photo. In that second, I felt a wave of betrayal overwhelmed me and I gasped aloud, staring at the person I thought, I could have trusted.

 In that second, I felt a wave of betrayal overwhelmed me and I gasped aloud, staring at the person I thought, I could have trusted

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-With love, Chan

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